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Mobile Application’s Future, Within Our Very Hands

Before, a cellular phone is used only for the necessity of communicating. It has been a comfort having to communicate with someone with a handy phone. By saying handy, you can bring a phone anywhere and anytime you want, not mentioning that it is cordless. That is why it is also called a mobile phone. It has been the only reason you would buy a cellular phone because it is the most convenient device to communicate. Now, it has morphed far away from being just convenient but also to being innovative and all-in-one. The existence of a mobile phone has increased from being just a need to being also a pleasure. Fun has been integrated. Today, along with the advancement of computer software development, mobile phone application development is gearing towards infinity. This is where a mobile phone app designer takes a big role.

Application development, in its dawn demands for people who have technical knowledge. As what they said it is deemed to be exclusively for people who knows about computer programming or for those who are technically inclined. They would say that application development is only for people who have studied Computer Science or Information Technology. But nowadays, people who are trainable, passionate, creative and interested are more preferable to create significant mark in application designing. Hence, the evolution of application development.

Angry Birds is a strategy puzzle video game developed by Finnish computer game developer Rovio Mobile. The first thing that came up in the inventor’s mind when the Angry Bird application was created is not the hard coded program but the whole concept of the game. This includes the story between the pigs and the birds. After the concept, the design was made. From the design, so came the game. Mobile was inspired by his surname to make his creation accessible anywhere even away from his computer. So he sold the game to Apple and has prompted the company to design versions for their touchscreen-based smartphones. The popular Angry Bird application is just but one of the brilliant creations that started as a computer game and was popularized as a mobile application. Actually, the first computer/video game that came to be a mobile game was Tetris on the Hagenuk MT-2000 phone from 1994.

Many mobile manufacturers and brands are now inspiring creative minds to generate concepts for applications, not limited but especially to gaming, which are fun and highly relatable to the public. They are creating group forums in social networking sites and search engines gathering new ideas for their applications. Those who are chosen will be trained to design the applications themselves. Logically, there is no better way to design a marketable application than to get the designer from the consumers. In other words, don’t just learn the consumer’s desires let them create their own. This may be the easiest yet the best strategy to produce an application that would surely sell. When this system is cultivated and maintained, an app designer would be very vital in the future of mobile application development, and that designer could just be anyone of us.