The Worst Lottery Winner Horror Stories In History

When you’re already a millionaire, why would you bother playing the lottery? Probably for the same reason the rest of us do – to win. But for one particular millionaire, Andrew Jack Whittaker, that extra $315 million from a Powerball ticket appears to have done more harm than good.
After winning the big jackpot, Whittaker’s life slowly unravelled before his eyes. There were legal issues, as there almost always are with money, and there were his own personal demons like drinking and a love of strippers that helped send Whittaker down a black hole of despair. In fact, while he was visiting a strip club one night, he claims almost half a million dollars was stolen from his car. Yes, you read that right – he didn’t merely lose his car stereo or his loose change, he lost half a million dollars. Those must have been some ecstatic burglars. He later said that thieves also emptied his bank accounts.
But not only did he lose all the money he won, his life was filled with other tragedies as well. In 2004, his granddaughter died of a drug overdose and her mother – his daughter – died five years later. At the time of her death, he seemed to blame the ticket for all the bad fortune in their life. Sobbing to reporters, he said, “I wish I’d torn that ticket up.”
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