Did Time Magazine Manipulate a Leading "Photo" in the Commemorative Issue? |
Photographers use the depth of field effect to create wonderful pictures. In this case, the focus is clearly on President Obama with everything getting more and more out-of-focus the further away they are from President Obama. It's a nice effect and a great picture. This picture clearly intends to do that in the direction as shown below. From a photography standpoint, things that are equal in distance to the photographer should be equally in focus in terms of the degree of clarity. Let's pay attention to the cropped area in the image below. From a physics perspective and a photography standpoint, the following should be true.
Instead, close examination of this photo in Time magazine reveals the following.
It is possible that I am missing something, but the only explanation I can come up with is that this photo has been doctored or photoshoped to blur in a gradient manner away from President Obama. Now, it is one thing to crop, to adjust the contrast and saturation of a photo so it prints well. It's completely another thing to photoshop and manipulate a picture and to pass it off as an original real photo, which it does not appear to be in this case. Other incidents of similar degrees of manipulations have long been considered unacceptable and set off firestorms in the past with other media. As a loyal Time reader, I hope I am wrong but as stated earlier, it's difficult to come up with another explanation at this point other than that this is no longer a true photo but a digitally manipulated image that is being passed off as the real thing and a prominent leading two-page spread for the inauguration article. This is manipulation and not enhancement. If you have any questions, please contact me at lovetimemag@yahoo.com. Note that all photos, images, and trademarks in this article are the property of their respective owners. |