
Topic: Races
If there was a more stubborn race of survivors then the humans they have yet to show up. At one time humanity was at the top of its game everything was working right for them. They controlled the world from the United States of America to Turkey and China; they saw growth and expansion at an astounding rate with the US even establishing the first lunar colony before the bombs fell. Most other races sprang from humanity, the human body made a good base for any of the number of races including; The Malra, The Synth, and rumors is even the demons.
Since the end of the war humans have proven their worth as survivors, whether they are scavengers, soldiers, tinkers, or even simple settlers humans have a determination about them to reestablish something, to find safety, and to build a new future for their children. Upon first emerging from their safe houses during the war humans began to rebuild, they worked together for nearly a century and everything seemed to be getting brighter, scientists worked to clear radiation from different sources of water or at least filter it. They got electricity back, salvaged weapons from army depots and established trade networks between settlements, all good things have to come to an end though. The first demon attacks hit small coastal settlements and soon people began to lose contact with old trading partners, they pointed fingers at others claiming they attacked their allies or that they sent raiders after them. No one could have imagined the wave of demons that would attack the larger settlements, they survived the attacks and spread the word, still fingers pointed, people would claim that their neighbors were responsible for summoning the demons or that they had alerted the demons to their presence. The demon war lasted for three years before the monsters suddenly stopped attacking and began to fight amongst themselves, Humanity assumed it was the nature of such beasts and continued to man their walls while taking the first steps to establishing new trade networks.
The next step for humanity was to expand, they set up different nations of a sort where a number of settlements agreed to work together in order to survive the first one of these nations was called Wales, it was located in England with it capital being the town of Lon Don. Soon others sprung up from the Pro-Human nation The Confederacy of New Virginia to the religious nation of Roma. They came into contact with other nations and for the first time in awhile there was open conflict between human factions.
Humanity is far from alone in this wasteland, from the tribal and feral Malra to the cybernetic Synth and their desire to become almost machine like. The Demons have even begun to associate with humans on a none hostile level. Each group of humans has their own way of dealing with the different races; The CNV tends to see them all as impure and nonhuman, The East Coast Marines has begun to see the potential in them and has come to welcome them amongst their ranks, Meanwhile the people of Lon Don have a sorta arms length policy with Demons but accepts the other groups.
General Appearance
Your average human isn’t they are a wide spread and differentiated race whose appearance can vary widely. In most cases no two humans look alike save for the rare group of twins or triplets or other multiples of children. Humanity has a large aount of skin tones including; White, Black, Pale White, slightly yellowish, pinkish, brown, to even dark Ebony colors. Hair color and style varies with region but there are dominate hair colors being Blonde, Brunette, and Black other varieties include mixes of the main colors these include colors like red, Chestnut, grey, dirty blonde and suede. With age most humans hair does grey with some becoming a silver color, reports of humans with snow white hair living underground have come up, the CNV argues these are mutants and not real humans though. Human’s eyes tend to be various colors and often a child’s eyes do not stay the same color when they are an adult; the colors range from blue, green, black, redish pink, brown, yellow, and even a few milky whites have been reported. Average height tends to be in the 5’ range with some hitting 6’ and the rare few breaking into the 7’ area. Weight is varied but average is considered to be in the mid 100 IBS to the low 200 IBS. Humanity is the second most varied race in the world with only the Malra getting more varied them them.
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