In the outter limits of of one's soul...
The inner most being comes to light
One that is always looking is one that never
finds that which completes the inner depths
of a Master or that of a submissive
The depths of the sanctuary within oneself
is a place that goes far beyond
that of the casual fling
The heart can decry many things
and those things
at times can be a false
sense of security
and that of owning and/or belonging
in that segment, place and/or time
Too often it is human nature
to jump into something
that others may seem to have
to fill a void
within that is burning a hole into
the core of one's very being
It is only after that individual
has landed among the the briars and thorns...
that they find it was all
for naught and the time was a waste
Let not one's heart be the only
guiding factor dictating their actions
Common Sense rules and should
be used in all aspects of an individual's life
This is a Sanctuary for Master and his girl...
All are welcome to enjoy the different rooms
except those that are off-limits