Topic: Recaps
The adventure began as our party, already assembled as a group of adventurers, are sitting in a bar in Saerloon, a town in Sembia. Sembia is known for being a peaceful and relatively safe country, with a high emphasis on trade and the greed and frugality of its residence. The downside of Sembia, however, is that it is controlled by the Netheril, a once-lost civilization with a dark and powerful history. Their main goal is to unite the entire world under their rule.
As boredom overtakes our party within the pub, they are approached by the owner of the pub who offers them a delivery assignment, They would be paid half upfront and receive the other half of their payment when they reached Saerb and completed the delivery. They were required to deliver a sealed vellum scroll. They were instructed to keep the seal intact; it was enchanted to combust if it were opened in the wrong hands.
When they reached Saerb and found their contact, a cobbler named Inius Olger. As they were approaching him to deliver the scroll, he was attacked by a strange cloaked man and several city guards. The party stepped in to aid Inius, and succeeded in protecting him and killing the guards and the strange man, a Netheril agent. Inius paid the party in full but told them to keep the scroll, he did not want the danger that comes with it.
As the party was leaving Inius’ shop, they heard the trill of a whistle pierce the air and saw a large company of guards heading their way. After a slight struggle to escape, the party was able to flee Saerb without the guards getting a good look at them.
As they continued their journey away from the city, they knew the guards in other cities would be alerted to their presence and they had to escape the country. They came upon and deftly destroyed a group of hobgoblins outside of a ruined tower. After killing the hobgoblins the party took their horses and made the decision to travel to Cormyr, a country to the west of Sembia ruled by a line of just kings who oppose the expansion of the Netheril at every turn.
While crossing an abandoned battleground, the party was attacked by skeletons of the former soldiers who had risen to stop their escape. After the last skeletal warrior crumbled to dust at their feet. Our adventurers stopped to rest before continuing on to their safe haven.