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Vampyre Story
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My Story

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Dear Diary,

Today was HORRIBLE! I've been having a problem at school with this girl, Ashlyn, for awhile now but I expected it to get better in about a week. It DIDN'T!!! She's so horrible. Today we were doing frog disection and she splashed me with frog slime! It was soo gross, I mean, I'm really squemish but that was just rude, she ruined my white tanktop!! On top of her usual icky self I got in a big fight with ANOTHER girl, Karly. I have problems with her all the time, eversince we met ( 4 years ago), but normally it's just a little rude comment here and there. Today we got into a big fight and instead of us just calling eachother mean names we started swingin'. I have a big scratch on the side of my face, a big bite mark on my arm AND a bald bloddy spot where she ripped some hair out. I guess I went easy on her though because usually I go unmarked. But then again I wasn't my usual smart alec self. It all started in PE when we had to play volleyball together. She was being a ball hog so I called her out. She got ùber mad and started hollerin' 'bout how horrible I am. She started to say something along the lines of "Well you should do your hair more often maybe you'll get pretty" she said to the girl who could really give a darn less about how she looks but still has more guys whistling at her when she walks down the street two blocks then Karly gets in her life. So I responded with "You should eat less,maybe you'll get skinny, probably not but you know, it's a thought. She walked away with her head real high. Probably trying to keep some dignity about her. Yeah, it didn't work.she walked up to me in free period and slapped me. Bad idea. I knocked that chick down! She went home with a black eye and a broken nose. That'll teach her.

Posted by missyvampyre at 11:00 PM EDT
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Dear Diary, Today Was Horrible!
Mood:  blue
Topic: Vampyre Story

Dear Diary,

Today was HORRIBLE! I've been having a problem at school with this girl, Ashlyn, for awhile now but I expected it to get better in about a week. It DIDN'T!!! She's so horrible. Today we were doing frog disection and she splashed me with frog slime! It was soo gross, I mean, I'm really squemish but that was just rude, she ruined my white tanktop!! On top of her usual itchy self I got in a big fight with ANOTHER girl, Karly. I have problems with her all the time, eversince we met ( 4 years ago), but normally it's just a little rude comment here and there. Today we got into a big fight and instead of us just calling eachother mean names we started swingin'. I have a big scratch on the side of my face, a big bite mark on my arm AND a bald bloddy spot where she ripped some hair out. I guess I went easy on her though because usually I go unmarked. But then again I wasn't my usual smart ass self. It all started in PE when we had to play volleyball together. She was being a ball hog so I called her out. She got ùber mad and started hollerin' 'bout how horrible I am. She started to say something along the lines of "Well you should do your hair more often maybe you'll get pretty" she said to the girl who could really give a darn about how she looks but still has more guys whistling at her when she walks down the street two blocks then Karly gets in her life. So I responded with "You should eat less,maybe you'll get skinny, probably not but you know, it's a thought."She walked away with her head real high. Probably trying to keep some dignity about her. Yeah, it didn't work.she walked up to me in free period and slapped me. Bad idea. I knocked that chick down! She went home with a black eye and a broken nose. That'll teach her.

Posted by missyvampyre at 10:59 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Vampyre Story
Mood:  cool
Topic: Vampyre Story
This is my story ive always ment to write. It will be about a young girl changing into a Vampyre. It will be written in the form of journal entries from the main characters point of veiw. If you like or dislike or just have comments lease message me!

Posted by missyvampyre at 9:58 PM EDT
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