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This page is dedicated to a very special person in mine and my families life. Debra Jean Ashby, a very missed mother, and grandmother.

Dalton and Zoey

This is for my kids Dalton and Zoey. I hope you get as much out of it as you can. I love you both very much.




About Your Grandma

     Hi kids, mom here giving you just a little bit on your grandma Debbie. First you should know she loved you very very much. There was not much in this world that mattered more to her than her grandkids. In fact that is why I named the site "Moon and Starz", becasue that is how much she said she loved you. Sometimes when you love someone so much your body can not contain it all and you need the whole sky to help.

     Grandma Debbie was a really loved person by so many people that I don't even know them all. She worked and a Dr office for a long time and she loved it. She got to talk alot with people there, and made many many friends along the way. She was very funny, so funny i would cry laughing and so would many others. She lived in Chandler In. most of my life, but before then she lived in Boonville In. Later she moved to New Haven Illinois, she and Earl lived there in a cute little house that she loved so much. 

      There is so much I want to tell you about your grandma but for now I will just put little bits here. The rest I will put in a blog for you two to read and you can also put stuff there too that you remember. I am sure others will put some things there for you to know about grandma too.