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The archive which was circulated among former US government contractors and hackers provided a portion of the archive with the WikiLeaks. Introduction of the global convert hacking program was carried out by the CIA, exploiting the wide range of European products as well as USA company products.  Around 5000 users registered in Center for Cyber Intelligence (CCI) by the end of 2016, producing thousands of hacking systems, viruses and other malware.


CIA can hack any electronic devices like TV, mobile phones, etc. to spy on people anywhere. This was proposed on 7th March 2017 so that they can hack without any knowledge of the person being hacked. Cyberweapon should be used by hackers as told by the CIA. This is because cyberweapons can't be tracked down by the US government. The EDG is responsible for any kind of pasadena web design for the backdoor. It also exploits any kind of malware which is used by CIA, worldwide.


Analysis of CIA’ hacking policy:


·    CIA tracks down phones, TVs, etc. of people so as to listen to their conversations with a help of a program called Weeping Angel. With the help of the program, the CIA used to keep the TV on a Fake-off mode, making the owner believe that the television is off. As it is off, it records the conversation going around the room and also sends it through the internet to CIA server. CIA infected the vehicle control system, which was used by modern cars and trucks so that the association can carry out undetectable assassinations. The CIA has a Mobile Devices Branch (MDR) which helps hack a mobile device and control the smart phones for detecting the location of the user, audios and messages and the pictures. Hacking of different smart phones as well as sites, can be a big problem for the nation or can be proved good for the nation. So, to secure the data from different hackers, codes should be used in the smart phones and if you want to hack it, then you should collect messages and audios before the application of the encryption.


·    CIA can also hack and infect the various sites as well as operating systems. Through malware, the CIA puts effort to control and infect the Microsoft Windows users. These malwares are included CD/DVDs which infect the software, found in USBs, images to hide the data or to covert disk areas. Medusa or Assassin attacks the internet web servers as well as the developers which are developed by the CIA’s Network Device Branch (NDB). The security which should be provided for internet marketing through different website becomes difficult as the hackers get to know all the information given by you on the website.


·    In Obama’s administration, a USA technology, NSA got a commitment from the government that the executives won’t hoard on an ongoing basis, but they will disclose all the vulnerabilities, bugs, or zero days to US based manufacturers like Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc. This security from the government was important for the users of Apple, Google and other such companies as people rely on them for information and they also add their personal information in these applications. This hacking process is a threat for pasadena seo as well as internet marketing.


·    Pirated cyber weapons used for hacking information might be a proliferation risk. When you develop a cyber weapons, then it is difficult to retain them. Being economical, cyber weapons can be a serious threat to the nation as it might hack all the confidential information of the nation. These can be used by any organization to beat their competitors. People who have hacked government’s information staying in a government post got arrested for such crime. Apart from the operations carried out in Langley, USA government is using consulate in Frankfurt for covering up its data in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.


All the above points speak about the hacking policies and problems of the USA government. It is important to know that with all this hacking system, used by the government to keep an eye on any suspected person, it becomes difficult to keep track of all the record. With the help of web development, CIA has laid out new malware patterns which will prove helpful in assisting forensic crime investigators. It might also be helpful for the different US based companies like Google, Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, Nokia and anti-virus companies to defend against the attacks. With the development of covers in the CIA, the companies have a few benefits like describing targets and exfiltrated data, executing payload, using encryption for hiding CIA hacker and malware communication. Documents which come under Personal Security Products, AV defeats, PSP/Debugger/Re Avoidance and Detecting and defeating PSPs are few anti-virus programs which are attacked by the CIA hackers.


Techniques of CIA helping in transferring IT into Internet Marketing:


·    Umbrage: It is a hacking technique which needs a fingerprint to access different attacks on the same user by the forensic investigators. This group maintains a library which consists of attack techniques which are stolen from malwares. The elements covered under Umbrage are privilege escalation, password collection, webcam capture, stealth, data destruction, keylogger, etc.


·    Fine Dinning: It is questionnaires that are filled to transform the cases of the officers to the technical level so that they look after the attacks of the hackers.


·    Improvise: This tool is used for payload setup, post-processing, configuration, and execution vector selection which supports all operating systems like MacOS, Windows, Linux, etc.


·    Hive: It is associated control software and a CIA malware suite, which provides communication with different implants like Solaris, Linux, Windows, etc. They have a separate domain cover, handling any number of domain cover. Each domain has an IP address, located at VPS.

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