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We Were There
by Roxy

It was such a dream -
We were there
I felt you breathing
I danced in your eyes
I stroked your lips
I stole a kiss

It was such a feeling -
We were there
Oh so warm inside and out
I laughed with you
I talked with you
I touched you
I hugged you

Our souls were together
We were there
Angels danced
Stars twinkled a little brighter
The moon smiled at us
The world stopped

No one can understand -
We were there
We became one
for a moment in time
We are now a part of each other
for a lifetime

It was the sweetest of sweet -
We were there
I took a part of you to keep
I gave you a part of me to keep
We gave each other a dream
We were there

I love you Rodney.... more than you know..!
Page By Nikki