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Index For Lookingfora
Greeting from a stranger from that other world of yours On Sabbatical Will answer Contact

No angelfire just so help me Gods

The following almost says it all but so does the one after it.

Education and Truth Are Dying

It is easier to control than to be right. If you always just want your team to win. The only graduate of the University I attended came into the business I owned 2 times and played one long game. He never said a word. The third time the room had emptied and he came over say something. He was the last of his group friends, 4 students. He said I going to Texas to work for a company down there.

You can't catch someone else cheating and take what could have been theirs.

More so I you wanted nothing for me to.

My father talked the teachers a tech school into building a boat. He got the job of pulling this 10 foot X 40 foot montser 150 miles to Lewis and Clarke Lake on the Missouri. I was 8 years old, things happened, he got the boat up there though. At one point he looked down at me and said with all the seriousness he had. "If you want to do something do it all yourself." What child doesn't try every other possible answer first before just sitting down a saying if it happens it happens. It should be if the world can't do it than I shouldn't be able to.

Want to? Good that could I don't want to go with people that think it's ok to do evil. From there it runs the gambit to pure evil. The waste is what hangs around says it's fighting evil. There's death, no murder all preserving a ugly truth. JUST WANT TO BUT IN!

The more evil the less you can do.

We have a great one of those over here.

Smear no no your not in Star Wars your just painted a picture of yourself

But no one has any right to say they are helping anyone but themselves. Too much time has past in too many places. Too many people playing to many games. All allowed by those above them whether in Lincoln Bennet Martin Library. Where I am supposed to say that was the source for the library. Or the Universities Library. Or anybodies. Lincoln's was first in Oct 1998. Everyone in one group new they drug someone in. To act how? Like he was how I should be seen. Candice I dead. How draconican do you look.

I am in Washington D.C. now I heared I should think of has had trouble someone who has nothing to do with STAR WARS or me really. The other point I should think of the 400 hundred foot Capital Build as the source for what is in the story. Actually Rodger said my bedroom was to GRAND compared to the other so I said a tower. He said who gets the top. Rodger had one other input besides question. Bigger, some one will make bigger. It does get bigger. But the Majic Mushroom comes up almost out of no where. Do you have the top room in that Rodger?

Candice, Daddy is going to hell in his own way!

No one at this time can make anything right. Just be more of a Rodger with help than you should be.

There are some people that pried there way into my life and their fathers worked in Lincoln at that time. The company that they worked for had a French name. 35 years ago now. They both did well there.

The first is a girl. She will be appear three times the last is just souly to indicate (1982) she could say she that would smear me. Right on the sidewalk on the west side of the State Capital. Husband works for shop.

The boy something his father said He is different. There was something that classmates made fun of him years before. Some question you or me in ther same way. Looking back I dismissed this but together they add up.

It would be good to find a new french man and send him away. Do you know in the stories after Star Wars 4 5 6 Luke turns toward the dark side. It is ashame.

George Lucas and who's story.

What would the people around him be like if they thought he was given the story? By who possible? USC or by association with writers not, some Will Ferrell hearing things in the street from the everyday man? There is a particular incident where someone made a mistake. He ended up being privately reminded by everyone. Of course they were the choosen one to tell him. Stress it was just the easiest thing to do and the people who should have complained were there. It was another communities effort to shoot down there boy. Sad. True, it has to do with where money should go.

George Lucas had a exhibit at the Smithsonian. Someone chided him by being where he needed to go. His reaction was a little large. The other gentlemans was first the same though.

George Lucas let everybody go in the 1990s evxcept for those that where a part of ILM. He let his whole production team go. Can I for sure say he started writing 1 2 and 3 then? No What happened next was that George Lucas went over to ILM and said what he wanted to change in 4 5 and 6. Now he assemblies the whole team and starts production on 1 2 3. He knows what he can get out of ILM and how long who does what and when. He was said I would like this and went back to his house.

The is a film clip from the last STAR WARS film last movie George Lucas directed in the 1970s. The clip I believe was for showing George Lucas at work. There is also a still camera man shoting. He way to close. George ends up turning right into him. 2 more Stars Wars and and 3 Indy later George Lucas came back. There is one clip from the shooting of one movies. Where Eon Mcgreor goes toward George as though he is going to tacle. Him more honest or come on anyone can tackle me. He still did a half turn like the little boy in 3. Who is George? Who do you want to be?

A plan well thought out as his movie itself.

But no one has any right to say they are helping anyone but themselves. Too much time has past in too many places. Too many people playing to many games. All allowed by those above them whether in Lincoln Bennet Martin Library. Where I am supposed to say that was the source for the library. Or the Universities Library. Or anybodies. Lincoln's was first in Oct 1998. Everyone in one group new they drug someone in. To act how? Like he was how I should be seen. Candice I dead. How draconican do you look.

He thought he was going to get was supposed to get go to MD Harris for a big study. That could be around 2000 dollars a reason to be excited. I never thought about where he want for coffee for along time. Not even around the time I went in there myself. Reaction. You have your own game to play. His he hit the floor when he found out he was to old. No more act now. No belief in what was going on. The following year there was a girl tell me to go there she worked blank but said she also work there. So when the camera shows up the bus station how do you think he looked. Freaked?

Unmarked except for a cut above the eye. Yet if I showed my my teeth at a comment you could wonder why.

But I was so harmless. No one ever placed there bet.

You are nothing for being so late. No civil help is legal by any means.

Most of the last 10 years has been wasted watching what every one has said should be the Story Behind Star Wars. Or even so brave as to say if you name us the evil people will bother use not you. WHY DO THEY NOT OFFER TO NAME ME AND PUT AN END TO IT? Anyone other the LIncon or Some not Nebraska not listening to Lincoln sorry it's not you.

Star Wars is not the problem. You are.

I spent my time working history my working on a plane to fly into space. Now they also wish to say without mentioning STAR WARS that this has mad people crazy Lincoln last holy act inside Bennet Matin library while the staff watched and laughed. Later out.........

Stealing is a deviant behavior if I can do this what else can I do. Giggle Giggle Giggle.

Numerous people claim this leaves them under a cloud of suppision. The way he writes his name looks like the writing on the Floradia Anthax nots. When he was up and being bother I glanced at the bed cards. I saw his state ID from Ohio. The way the letters are made are different on the Florida letters, it's the E in his name and the spacing of the letters that indicate a difference like how he wold use them to write his name. Closer. A pro though could copy any known possible trait. It just seemed odd the spacing. I am still the ignorant one. As so are you if your not trained.

Everyones vieing for being what STAR WARS is about has kept me from talking about what seems impossible.

Three times in three different places I have done something or stress it's importance. The first was in my note book for the plane in the late 1970s.

The second was to my wife in Milford for helping so you can picture numbers so that you can do math in your head better. We got up to more than 13 places.

The third was as a adm for a paper in Denver. Many people. Write your numbers clear and the same. Like a machine. You can not really see everything you see as it was but this you can do.

As long as no one asked I wanted to see if someone would brave a discovery.

I told my wife in the 1980s Soap Operas were no good for you. I think she quit though cause she was haveing fun and didn't really have the time. What someone else says I will not write here.

The note books in Lincoln are interesting for one other point beside the regularity of their shape. A simple calculation of the amount of thrust needed to get you into space if your spefic impluse is high enough to be consumption to be linear. Answer 88.

Now lets get back to the future see what uncaring thing is trying to cash in.

Conspiracy of Dunces was recmended by proffessor Hugh P. Whitt in the 1980. Then came 1984 movie Dune. Nothing in common unless it's done by Dunces. Well in 1989 someone gave me a copy. Then in front of my wife? A happy person. Hugh P. Whitt recommended Frans Kafka 1970 something. Someone was screamed that out in 1999.

Wellcome to the land of the Hut and the Jedi with amnesia. You can't leave that planet. Now it is tooooo laaaaate.

Bob L. Petersen

George Lucas

Rodger Pardee was very excited why he started talking about the order of George Lucas's film in 1974 1975 No teasing hints of knowledge. At that time he had only American Graffiti and THX 1138. Kenny Loggins wrote House at Pooh Corner at 1138 at night. More on this later. Brought in why? Wanted left out why? Who else? Who wants to prove what is true or change the true for the good of mankind? Unbelieveable?

Most of Star Wars from ships to swords was discussed. He being up, out and one might say trying to catch me without a abiliy to respond or worse.

The discussion of American Graffiti and THX 1138 came later. I was unaware THX 1138 was writen before American Graffiti. In fact I had not seen American Graffiti. He had nothing to say of much interest except for the emptiness Robert Duvalls was feeling about his existence. Similar to mine? Yes and at early times.

I have wrote on the subject of writing based on what you have done or seen. On a page called thinking outside the Box, it can be found on the Internet Achives still.

The other idea possible took more thought and required a search of many things, I had the time. I have seen it now during the last 10 years. There is a guy screeming at that they put a chain around the axle of a Police in Crete. (Mad to want me to remember?) There should have been a report and the guys I knew from being in Crete should have told me the same earlier. The year is 1972 the movie is already half in the can. I say that because there were a few of those.

What I am I supposed to know?

Did you ever spout something out to your Dad and then realise you should not have said it. Picking up an old log chain to move it. A year or more later we will use it to drag the wheel less frame of the 1960 Matador out of the shop. The hoist I have was rated at 1000 pounds os that was out. He had another change but the hook was too small and there was nothing to go around. The big open hook of the log chain looked right but would it hold up to the load. With no other answer possible he finally put it thorough a hole in the frame.

Now knowing what I know I do not believe it could pull the rear axle out from under a car. But who knows besides we would like to see it. Read in order

Here we are with another source that which occurs to us but never happens. It is believeable because it was believed. That is important.(1) One from real(2) alittle Stan Lee. Just make it bigger than it was. (3) One old I don't know if it's true and I know little of the subject a story told by someone else. (4) I will read what might happen to an author by his storys early Steven King. Looking to see if he shows signs of people bothering him to be about a someone in a story or to help him.He arranged to have police asisst him in Indiania to scout an area to look for thing that would make him think. People found out and he left! It does happen.

Now knowing what I know I do not believe it could pull the rear axle out from under a car. But who knows besides we would like to see it.

Write your own don't steal mine or George Lucas.

George Lucas Rodger Pardee Bob L. Petersen

I wrote a female into a story based on the fact. That she had remained single some 15 odd years. She had said sometime that seemed like it could not be true. But he she was single all these years later. I had not tried to talk to her. Sad. Yes. There was time was this a woman got in my face and was indicating has everything to everybody. I explained she was more. A professor said he is not lying. As one would describe quiet beauty which interest is her mind. All else quiet. I was writing about a sad main character so I put her nest to him for one show and tell with his equipment for filming. Bright stuff for bright people, sad he dies. One of the other characters actually frozen by the saddness of what happens to her. The one is the old me. Before he goes to take his wifes hand and leave.

Don't hurt anyone. Don't thing of grand, think of just as little as could be good.

I am cofronted by people who say by their actions everything should be over.

What could they write. 30 seconds I knocked everyone dead.)


((I have to stop this. They had laughingly cut their home out with a machete. No more playing. It was day light. The police should be around with enough noise in about 5. Don't ask me that is what I figured.))

((Time to say BS. Come on. No ##### He came down to where I was camped out and was telling the Mexicans what to say.))

It is in a summer class my first the professor is a full professor in the Theater Department. The class is Intro To Theater history and reading plays from the Greeks forward to the modern.

His name is almost the same as an author who has commited sucide. He is alittle down about this. He is not lacking putting out the information needed but he from time to time adds things that are important.

He will at one point say we tend to marry who we feel comfortable with and we are comfortable about everything till some catchs us off guard and the mind can act before it really thinks. A woman has said something in class that is more information than anyone needs. She is wear what is less then anybody should see before they have fully waken up. And by being as he is he has gotten closer then he ever would have gotten. He did little stupidly. Oh Wow.

The important story is of his self as I am lead to believe. The story starts with him entering the Air Force during World War II. He enters to be trained for the B-17, a Pilot. Pilots can not wear glass but a bombardierhe is off to learn how to operate the Norton Bomb sight. Without reserve he says that is right down in the front of the plane behind just glass. Duty! He would have made a large but still thin target at around 6' 2". I am inserting that myself. I really imagine he was of more use there. So I am as I am, decided I would learn that better than anybody. I did and they kept me at the school. Then took me to England for instruction there.

I am inserting this now. He does not indicate that he has grown in knowledge beyond the Norton Bomb Sight but he should really if he is enjoying what it has done for him.

He now tell of something happen and because of his knowledge and interest they take him along. There is a need for more protection for the B-17s. Further accross France into Germany. There are some tanks there for the P-51 Mustang a fighter with already has great range. They are for chemical spraying. CS most likely if they do we will. The machanic have setup are showing they can fit these tanks with a small electric pump to pump the gas into the wing tanks. The tanks can be dropped. The discussion boils down to the fact that it is the same as what aready happens on the plane.

The will produce a drop tank for the P-51 one that does not have a nozzel on the back.

Interesting Curious Yes or

He now will tell of being in the National Gaurd after the War to help ends meet. They will meet on Wednesday night sometime There is a problem with having to attend a childrens meeting. A bunch of them will go into the bathroom after they arrive and slip out the window.

What really gets me about this story?

Me and D. Irsael are in the bathroom in the Methodist Church at Cub Scout which is held in the basement. The window over the tolet is 1' 6' wide by 3' tall. D. lets slip out the window. My Idea to go out alone slip away.

It is what we have incommon with the story or the Author that makes the story good. It would have been fun to go.

The other is interesting this is involving.

Star Wars 4 5 6 the charaters have little in common and can't deal with each other. The world is saved by fish. Star Wars 1 2 3 one group believes in themselves and people. And as they die Master Yoda slowly losses his power.

A New Hope

Mind what you haved learned. He is going to die.

One last try.

Its is interesting from that respect that it does become basically Yodas story and it's out come with an asisst from Obi Wan all the way to movie 6.


Some of his first major work turned into a movies was Carrie. The story is very dark and revengeful but it is about a woman not a man.

To a couple this could almost be a story trying to set her free from what others have done. If it is looked at as farce to your wife. They weren't this bad and quiet you didn't kill them all.

The next is the Shining. It is about what happens while baby sitting a hotel in the Mountains of Colorado. He had previously tried moving to Colorado. But turned around and went back to Maine. This is my brain on you people in Colorado. Sorry your not in it?

Cujo is the story of a boy who has a high power gas wheel chair. Stephen King tells of learning part of his story telling ability for telling long stories for disabled child. They made me, to. There he is feeling their responce. He could miss alittle but the right thing would keep the story moving.

Back to the tales of Christphor Robins back to the tales of Pooh. Not in Stephen King. Yes come with me.

George Lucas Rodger Pardee

George Lucas Rodger Pardee