Chat Control Freaks
I have been reading Yahoo’s blog for a few weeks now and I’ve seen people complaining about bots, booters, hackers, spammers, and various other things.
These are all major problems in chat, but even worse are the whiny control freaks.
You know the type I mean. They come into a room and decide what topic “they” want to chat about and then throw a fit if no one else wants to discuss it.
They tell off the whole room in text, and then start screaming on the mic till they sound like a mad dog foaming at the mouth.
My chat group has been plagued by several of these control freaks, including one who has been dogging us and has followed us from room to room just to wreak havoc and destroy any chance we have at a peaceful conversation with our friends.
He has openly admitted that he is going to continue to disrupt our chat until we agree to discuss what he wants to discuss and for the length of time he wants to discuss it.
He wants to decide what subjects are acceptable and when we will move from one subject to the next.
He is a self-proclaimed expert on EVERYTHING and has admitted to using us as psychological guinea pigs to provide him with subjects for his blog.
He continually follows us from room to room harassing us, insulting us, calling us names, and telling lies about us to new chatters.
Then he wonders why we don’t want to talk to him. 
Chat Friends
I've been chatting for over 5 and a half years now. I've met many people from all over the world and from many different walks of life.Some people say that chat friends are not real friends because we have never met and we can't depend on each other when we need help. This is simply not true.
I have several very good friends online that I have never met offline and likely never will, but I know they're there when I need someone to talk to. They don't brush me off, or say they're too busy to listen.
We know more about each other than most offline friends or even relatives know about each other. We offer each other an ear when it's needed, a shoulder to cry on, an arm to lean on, prayers, advice, and congratulations, among other things.
There are many people I chat with everyday and we miss each other and worry about each other if one of us doesn't come online when we're expected to. We're like an extended worldwide family.
So it isn't enough we have our own chatroom now we have our own blog. This could be interesting.
The true essence of friendship is that it endures. Through the arguments, differences of opinion, listening endlessly to other peoples tales of woe because on the other side are the jokes, the laughter, the good news and most of all the support and understanding.
There is acceptance without conditions, no strings attached. Though many would say that chatroom friends are not real friends we believe we have forged true friendships though many of us have never met in person.
I hope for those of you who don't know us you enjoy this site as much as I suspect we will.
Who we are!

We are the nomadic writers of Yahoo Chat.
We are a group of people who met in the Yahoo chatrooms and became friends.
Many of us enjoy writing and have decided to share some of our writing here with each other and with anyone else who is interested.
Some of us are experienced writers, but some are new to writing.