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Norrington 128k Computer Online Community of Programming



Welcome to the Norrington 128 Computer Online Community of Programming! Here you can find tutorials for programming your N128 in BASIC programming. You can also login to enter the chatrooms and post on the message boards. If you don't have an account, yet, you can register here. Please enjoy your stay.
 ~Ivan "Mechanoxx_64" Koff

Website Update: June 15th 2001
Sorry for the downage over the past week, we had to switch servers. It seems we have lost a reasonable amount of our chat transcripts. In other words, all of them. My overloaded J.1z drive exploded because of too much use when I was transfering out files. I will post any transcripts I can still find.

-Board Update provided by Mechanoxx_64

Website Update: June 2nd 2001
The chat has been shutdown due to abuse to the moderator. Chat transcripts are available in the chat link. It's just like reliving old times, right? "Not really," responded Mike Hawke, aka, SpEcTrAlOn. Well, atleast the boards are still up.

-Board Update provided by Boardumb

Copyright 1997-2001 NCOCP
Layout by: TM webs