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A soft knock is heard on the door before the voice belonging to Dakota Nichols is heard asking Natalie if she was decent. knowing she couldn't hear him over the hair dryer he opens the door slowly and peeks his head in slowly so he would not startle Natalie. He speaks just loud enough for her to hear him.

Dakota: "Sorry to intrude, but I just came to check on you." 

 Natalie jumped a little regardless of how tactiful he was attempting to be and quickly turns the hair drier off.

Natalie: “Oh..Oh..Da, I am fine Dakota...I am just drying the moisture out of my hair.  Moisture and dreads are not completely the best of friends.”
Dakota: "Well I'm sure if anyone can make them harmonious, it's you.”


  Natalie chuckled and shook her head, as she reached up with a casual hand and felt her hair making certain the water that lingered behind was now gone.

Natalie:  “Dat be like mixing oil vith vater....But I am honored dat you think so.”


Natalie replied sweetly, as she finally stood up and reached over to unplug the hair drier.  Dakota smiles as he steps into the room and leans back against the door frame while he speaks.

Dakota: "Well I am a man who knows a beautiful woman when he sees her. One who I hear can also hold her own in a ring."

   Natalie smiled warmly, as she glanced over at him.  Shaking her head, she gathers her clothing and quietly walks over to the semi-privacy screen to change.  Idly she sets her clothes upon a stand there, and casually unties the robe from around her person.  It is with the light of the fading sun, Dakota can see a rather tempting outline of Natalie’s athletic form.

Natalie: “I have been able to handle my own for a vhile...Longer then most vould expect.”

   Natalie finally replied, as her silhouette can be seen slipping on a thin piece of clothing that did not have much to it.  A gentle snap is heard, before she turns to grab a hold of what appears to be a set of pants.  Dakota smiles and turns his eyes away. Of course he was tempted to look, tempted to admire the silhouette of Natalie's body, but he was a gentleman. He did not want to appear to be only interested in Natalie's body. Dakota speaks softly as he tucks his hands in his pants pockets.

Dakota: "Well I am not one to judge a book by it's cover, you should know that already my dear. I admire the fight and passion I see in you. I admire the feistiness I know is inside you."
Natalie: “So you like the spit and vinegar?”

    Natalie inquired, as she slipped the pants on one leg at a time before reaching over for a small shirt.  Carefully she slips into the shirt, and pulls it down over her chest.  Reaching up casually, she pulls some of her dread from out under her shirt.

Natalie:  “Interesting, coming from a shy boy like you.”

   She candily commented, as she gathered her things and stepped back around and into view.  Now she could be seen wearing a shirt that was a size too small, with the “Linkin Park” logo on it.  And seen riding low upon her hips, a pair black faded sleeping pants with skulls all over them.  Quietly, she sets her dirty clothes down the laundry shoot to wash later before turning to face him more directly.

Natalie:  “Are you blushing?”
Dakota: "Who me?"

    Dakota smirks as he straightens his shirt. He gives Natalie his best confident smirk as he winks at her showing her did have a big of arrogance to him.

Dakota: "Well I admit, few women have the ability to make me blush and I guess one of them is you. And to answer your question, yes I like the spit and vinegar side of you, as you say. I would by a hypocrite if I said I didn't. I mean you have seen my sister, she is vicious. So you can see where I get the appreciation of a feisty woman from."
Natalie: “Honestly I can see that in you..”

   Natalie began as she took a few steps towards him.

Natalie: “Calm unadventurous girls vould bore you.”

Dakota: "You could say that. I'm the type of guy who needs a woman willing to live in the moment. I'm a world champion boxer and a man who likes to live on the wild side a bit. So I would need a woman who could keep up with me and is willing to let me treat her like a queen at times.”

Natalie: “Really now...So you like vomen that know vhat they vant...Hmmm.”


    Natalie began, before quickly reaching out to playfully twist at his stomach while darting around him towards the door.  Dakota laughs a bit as he reaches out and gently grabs Natalie's hand as he gives her a playful look.

Dakota: "That's exactly what I'm saying my dear. I want a woman who knows who she is, knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go and take it. Hell she could take me if she wanted me, if you know what I mean."
Natalie: “I think I know vhat you mean Dakota, but the real question is...Do you think you can handle me?”



    Natalie inquired mischievously, as she interlocks her fingers in with his.  Dakota smiles as he looks down at Natalie's hand and then back up into her eyes. He took a moment to admire the sparkle in them before he speaks.


Dakota: "Oh, I think I can but if there is some reasons I couldn't, I think I would die a happy man. Which begs the questions, would you care to join me for dinner? My treat, I insist."


   Natalie chuckles a little, as she glances down at herself before looking back up at him.



Natalie:  “I highly doubt I am dressed to go out, but if you give me a few...Then I can go to my room an change.”


Dakota: "And what if I were to say you were beautiful just the way you are. Who cares what anyone else thinks. In my eyes you are perfect, just how you are. “


    Dakota smiles showing Natalie he was indeed genuine. He liked her sleeping pants and all.


Dakota: "Let's be adventurous my dear."


Natalie: “Then lead the vay, and let us have one hell of a time.”


   Natalie exclaimed, as she gave him a friendly wink.   Dakota smiles as he was looking forward to spending time with Natalie. He felt a connection with her in some way and was curious and also looking forward to getting to know her more.

Dakota: "Anything you say my dear."

    Natalie laughed openly with him, as the scene fades out on the two of them leaving the bathroom.