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Cosmetology Course


Hair color


Instructor: Olga Acosta


Office: Cosmetology building, room 212


Voice mail: 562) 555-0707


Office Hours: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays


Welcome to the cosmetology department. My name is Olga Acosta; I will be your online instructor for this class. I will be teaching you part of the cosmetology course that has to do with permanent hair color. In this class you will be taught what is required for you to know in order to take the California state exam to become a licensed cosmetologist.


Learning objectives:


·         Students will learn basic chemical composition of hair coloring products and how they interact; the correct application of hair color for each hair type depending on product being used.


Learning outcomes:


·         Understand the concept of hair color.


·         Demonstrate application of the hair coloring process.


·         Preparation for the California state bar exam.


Required books:


·         California Student Cosmetology Course, latest edition.








Other required tools:


·         Computer- students must have basic computer skills in order to be successful in the class.


·         Student cosmetology kit, which can be purchased on campus.





·         Will be posted at the end of the week that assignments are due.



Point Breakdown:


·         Assignments: 300 points possible.


·         Quizzes: 400 points possible.


·         Final: 200 points possible.


             900 total possible points.






·         Is considered cheating and will not be tolerated at Cerritos College. Academic dishonesty can lead to dismissal from class and will be dealt with accordingly. Do your own work and give credit when due in MLA style.






·         Should have students’ full name and course number on the subject line. Also please indicate if it is urgent.


·         Indicate on the subject line if it is urgent; expect a response from me within twenty four hours.




  Assignment submissions:


·         All assignments and quizzes will be submitted online through talonnet.


·         The final exam will be taken on campus due to practical manipulations that must be demonstrated.