The first days of summer are fast approaching and although most of our fethered friends have already build their nests are are busy feeding their young, I am contunially asked " how do I know what size to make the bird houses" so in this our very first article of the HOW TO PAGE I am going to provide you with a sheet from our shop manual. This contents of page have been taken from the World Wildlife Federation web page and I use it when building new bird houses.
Most bird houses can be of almost any shape, the birds should nest in them as long as you follow the simple diagram to your right. I do ask that you be very careful using any form of bonding agent,( glue's etc) as they can be harmful to the babies. I also suggest that you do not stain or paint the inside of the bird house for the same reason
I have been asked about perches and after considerable research I have discovered that nesting birds don't need perches but preditor birds do so I do not put perches on any of my bird houses