Brand Protection - 3 Reasons It Is Necessary
Piracy is bad, all of us know that. Downloading pirated software from the Internet, is the same as anti-counterfeiting measures stealing something from a shop. We know that also. Stores suffer great loses due to theft, in order software creators. The main distinction is, the first ones, do not try to minimize their loses, at the expense of the customers.It's been quite a while since software companies started to implement in their applications, anti-piracy mechanics. It's clear as everyone would want to secure their work, from being stolen, modified or used without permission. The question is, how far can you go with this?
It began with easy serial numbers or typing in a particular world from paper manual sent with the program. Somewhat time-consuming, but it worked. So long as you'd the setup disk and guide, one could easily install, re-install the program a dozen times per day, without having to explain the reason why. But as the Internet popularity grew, it started new possibilities of applications protection -- activation providers. The mechanism is pretty simple: purchase applications, input specific product key, confirm it through Internet and you're ready to go. Simple? Not really...
Few individuals know, that most companies established a limit of possible activations per serial number. Why? In theory, because every licence is valid only for X number stop acta ??? ??? of computers. So to make sure, that we do not share ours with all our Facebook friends, a limitation is present. The catch is, if we decide to format our hard disk and perform an original system setup, all applications that need reactivation, will treat like a fresh one, therefore the counter will go up 1. Now imagine what would happen, if your hard disk breaks down.
You send it to some service. It's returned, you re-install all, but after a month that the problem returns. Again and again. When finally the faulty component gets replaced properly, another effort of reactivating your favorite software gets rejected. Why? Because limitation of feasible activations was reached.
What can you do? Call support center and ask to enable you, to activate your software. Almost always the solution is favorable, but... I own the software, so why so I need to ask for permission to use it? I know my peace is legal, I've got my invoice, cd, manual, sequential number.

I don't have to validate the software further. I only want to use my software. Some might say, that such situations are rare and it is probably true. Still this case, makes one wonder, when the anti-piracy forces are moving in right way. If this persists, we may be facing a serious problem: the variety of viruses, malicious software increases almost exponentially, making the demand for frequent software updates very urgent.
Regular upgrading makes the OS run slower, as a single version installed over older, doesn't always run as easy as a fresh install. That is why we format our driveway C and then install everything from scratch... and activate our applications successfully. This time. The next time, we might start to think, that it's better to use free options instead. They might not be as strong as their commercial counterparts, but at least they don't care why we install or re-install them.
To put it simple: they don't ask so many questions and that's something the majority of us want -- privacy. Privacy limited by the anti-piracy campaigns. Time stop making actavis will tell whether these clinics, will have any effect on piracy levels globally. For the time being, it made our lives a little tougher, than before.
Computer piracy is far different than sea piracy. Instead Of plundering and assaulting the industrial ships in the center of the sea, computer pirates generally steal intellectual property and then, eventually, give it away for people usage. This can potentially ruin the individual or organization and there are a number of examples to back up that.
Piracy is rampant in Onsist gambling industry
Computer game companies are one of the mostly impaired industries by pirates. With the help of skilled programmers, pirates crack the code of the game that stores information Look At This about individual copies. To put it differently, you no longer need to go to the shop to get a game - you can just download it for free from a pirate server.
Pirate applications has its flaws. Several internet programs are practically not crack-able, because your ID is confirmed on a company server, and pirates don't have any access over there. Standalone cracked software is using a changed code and is susceptible to malfunction and will really damage your computer, let alone not run properly. Official licensed software guarantees that it may find the work done and can be bug free - something pirates provide no absolute guarantee. They just don't care, because, after all, if you like the software, you will probably buy it yourself.
Necessity and types of software piracy defense
To combat with this situation software companies have established software piracy protection software. The program piracy protection comes in many forms in line with the purposes. Some DVDs are made so that the game just runs if your certified DVD is existing on your CD-ROM drive. Other need a serial number along with security software on the actual DVD you purchased.
Pirates are usually very good developers who look forward to be appreciated in large companies and so boost their popularity and earnings. Others do it for fun and expect no practical gain out of it. They're driven by the only sense of evil doing.

There are lots of notorious groups of crackers-pirates who decode virtually every game that comes out and significantly decrease real incomes of the companies-producers and developers. The multimillion sector of entertainment is continuing to have problems with significant losses because of piracy and this is soon likely to change as new anti piracy legislation are becoming implemented.
In this highly technological age, practically every element of big business is paperless. Though this evolution has significantly simplified the procedure for doing business, it has also left businesses vulnerable to IC piracy strikes. In fact, intellectual theft costs American businesses billions of dollars in losses each and every year. 1 solution that tech teams must think about is using OTP (one-time-programmable) memory for their microchip devices rather. Here are some reasons why.
--Although the technology isn't new (it was first developed in 1969), it is certainly dependable; and its capabilities have certainly been refined and improved over recent years. It is virtually problem-free.
--It is comparatively cheap. It's not unusual for companies to spend to the thousands and thousands of dollars to Onsist dvd copy protection software get additional anti-piracy options, but OTP memory is simple to install and use in a mere fraction of the cost.
--The arbitrary number system used by OTP memory permits the user to generate an identification number from a massive pool of chances. It is virtually impossible for pirates to discover a particular number when there are literally billions of possible combinations.
--A system with OTP may be adjusted to suit any particular preference or program. For instance, it can be set to allow particular identification numbers to be recovered only by authorized employees.
--It's a system That's remarkably simple, yet forcefully effective.
In these difficult financial times, companies need to find anti-piracy techniques that actually work and that are also cheap: OTP memory may be the IC protection solution you have been on the lookout for.
Every publisher will be pleased to acquire anti piracy software which can ably protect PDF documents, swf flash content and html content. Fortunately, DRM - digital rights management platforms are readily available to address these needs and also to supply the required controls to adequately implement data loss protection (DLP). These platforms allow the author to enroll a client using a licensing platform, pick the right customer access level, create customized messages to inform unauthorized users that they don't have permission to open secure files and also to provide them information about where to source for the consent, and to set expiry dates and display a web page which confirms the expiration of the protected document.
With DRM document control applications the document author can implement a watermark capability whereby the consumer's name and/or company name, and specifics of date/time of usage are displayed on each of the printouts. Further on antipiracy monitoring, we can even have PDF software that has the capacity to demonstrate document and user statics, auditing and reporting.
Throughout the watermarking capability DRM will help to identify the location where the leak happened. Additionally, it reports when the document was utilized and equips the author with record control abilities to close off document access if abuse is detected. This is a helpful anti piracy measure which prevents individuals from replicating or even shifting your work as this normally contributes to the misinterpretation of the planned message. Data loss prevention is also employed by requiring users to look at the document using a proprietary program quite different from the one that made it. This way, only authorized users can view the record and document processing tools can be disabled.
Data reduction prevention is all about forestalling the leaking from a document/s beyond the control of the organization that possesses it. In essence this anti piracy method is all about identifying, monitoring and shielding, and this is achieved by shielding a document's context Social Network Here and content via a filtering and centralized management system. This record control method helps attempts to automate the recognition of cases when the content contravenes set DRM principles, and also prevents documents from being emailed or duplicated to say a flash drive.
An organization will always find itself being required to share its own confidential information with overseas staff as well as attorneys all of whom are external to the organization's firewalls and this makes anti piracy solutions all the more crucial. As such, in a bid to stem piracy, data reduction protection systems need to be able to secure protected files once they're in the control of outside but approved parties. Encryption has always been the answer to document
Control but it only goes up to stopping unauthorized persons from accessing the protected data. But, it does not control what the authorized user can perform with the record once On sist it is decrypted. Nonetheless, we can always combine encryption using DRM controls in order to restrict the ability of these users to share or pass onto the limited information.
Attack Profiles
useful sourceSuccessful attacks on vessels, where strength protection is minimal, follow common vulnerabilities, which are manipulated by pirates. These are as follows:

Low rate - (below 16 knots)
Low freeboard - (distance from the waterline to the freeboard deck of a fully loaded ship)
Inadequate planning and execution of procedures
Alert of team on board is Low or there is no visual evidence of self-protection steps
Where There's a slow response Onsist by the vessel and crew
Generally the pirates will utilize two or more small ships capable of speeds in excess of 20 knots, these are available crafts usually called "skiffs" plus they generally approach the intended target from the port quarter or stern.
The usage of a mother ship is used as a portable logistics foundation that conveys the equipment and staff to allow attacks to happen farther out to sea, some attacks have happened at 600 NM off the shore.
The vast majority of attacks will happen at first and last light, so at these times additional vigilance is required.
Before the Transit
Before a transit, These bodies should be informed and include;

The Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa (MSCHOA), That's the preparation and coordination authority for EU Forces from the Gulf of Aden and the area from the Coast of Somalia and the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO), that will be in Dubai and will be the primary point of contact for vessels in the Area. The daily interface with Experts and the military is the UKMTO.
Before transiting high-risk areas, the operator and Master should carry out their own risk assessments to assess the likelihood of an attack by pirates. The outcome of this risk assessment must identify steps to be taken to protect against the vessel being taken by pirates.
Business Crisis Management Procedures and steps to fulfill the threat within the region the vessel is transiting, ought to be addressed.
In order to best prepare a boat, the next planning and training Ought to Be Regarded as a minimal, to control risks from assault:
Register the vessel with the authorities, UKMTO and MSCHOA
Review the ships security Program
Carry out crew anti-piracy and safety awareness training
Appoint security consultants for your own transit, who have global marine safety expertise
Ensure you have a good and effective anti-piracy contingency program
Defensive Measures
The boat should review its safety measures read more on wikipedia here and processes and consider:
Ensuring that the vessels patterns are adjusted in advance to ensure anti counterfeiting association that the team are well rested until they enter the high risk area
Observing radio silence or allowing minimum use of radio gear
Identify a safe room
Securing access to the bridge, engine room and crew cottages
Provision of night vision device(s) to get watch employees
During the Transit
Pros should utilize the International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC). This is recommended by the Nazi police, westbound vessels utilize the northern portion of the corridor along with the eastbound vessels utilize the southern portion of the IRTC.
Vessels should remain within the IRTC constantly and ensure that it keeps up with its set transit. The vessel should comply with international rules on light.
MSCHOA will advise on the group transit timings which leave at various times and are recognized by the speed of the vessel, therefore if a vessel has a maximum speed of 16 knots it should consider joining a 14 knot group transit.
For those who have employed a safety firm, they are there for advice and guidance and should also install the procedures and steps for every vessel as appropriate. But, vessels should still make sure that they have added team as lookouts at vulnerable areas of the vessel especially on the trunk quarter.
It's paramount that a boat protects the team from danger; this usually means that only fundamental crew work ought to be run on the deck whilst in the high-risk places.