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Ryan Thomas' Stats
Name - Ryan Thomas
Job - Wrestler
Age - 21
Weight - 240lbs
Height - 6'4
Hair Colour - Brown
Eye Colour - Brown
Martial Status - Single
Win Loss Record -

First Man to Defeat HHH

Behind The Talent 
Name - Martin
Age - 16
Gender - Male
Martial Status - Single
Time E-Fedding - 4 years
Email - MSN -

Roleplay Info 
Stipulation - Myself/Eric Draven vs Rhino/Christian
People Used - Myself
Event - Adrenaline
Roleplay Number - 1


The scene opens inside a jammed packed Adrenaline arena. The fans are cheering as the lights dim. Blue laser lights beam around the arena as an unfamiliar tune blares over the PA system. Cho Large by the Teriyaki Boys brings the crowd to their feet as they try and see past the curtain. Speculation surrounds the arena as a quite familiar face pokes his head through the curtain. Greeted by boos the camera zooms in to see WWCF ex-pat Ryan Thomas. A casual dressed Ryan stands there motionless on the entrance ramp as the lasers die down and the booing stops. Ryan lifts his chin up in a proud manner as

Ryan Thomas: You guys see me entering this age old arena and on sight you guys boo the shit out of me. You keep treating me like shit you guys can go to fucking hell. There are millions of federations out there and I didn't need to come back here and get booed! Days after I put my letter of resignation on Shane's desk I made a choice. Stay here or go looking for some employment elsewhere I made a personal choice and to this day I still believe this was the right choice. I left the United States and headed back home, back to the grass roots. Straight off the plane I was greeted by another company's owner, he gave me a great offer and minutes before accepting I heard a very familiar ringtone. The last person I wanted to hear from actually, Shane fucking McMahon. I got a pleading message to become part of WWCF's newest brand and along with that came a very large increase of my former salary. Even though I'm still pissed at the WWCF management, Strangler seems alright so I said to myself, fuck it. I got right back on that plane and here I am now. WWCF you're paying top dollar for my in-ring skills. I agree to sign; I agree to compete under the brand but something you did agree on. If I hear any politics happening within the management and talent I walk from my contract and this business for good. Now you know the details of my new contract I'll be a predominant member of the Adrenaline roster and whether you like it or not you抣l be seeing more of me so get fucking used to it.

Ryan has an angry look on his face. He surveys the fans in front of him, all of them booing. His angry expression turns to a smile as he signals towards Torrie Wilson. She acknowledges the command and walks up the steel steps with a black object in her hand. Ryan extends his hand as Torrie places the object in his hand. As Torrie makes her way back down to her fold out chair Ryan lays the now seen T-Shirt neatly at his feet. The camera zooms into the T-Shirt as the logo of Point Blanc Inc. is seen pasted over the top.

Ryan Thomas: Onto matter number two. It is fucking easy to say that the only person stopping me from getting WWCF gold around my waist was my leader, my inspiration Joshua Lokamp. Josh and his inbred lackey Chase were a bunch of conniving cunts that made me do all the work. Take exhibit a, I won a title shot for any belt I want. First thing the PBI boys said after my hard fought victory was can I have the title shot? A bunch of selfish cunts in my eyes. Now with my return I have decided to split with my former stable Retard Inc. This allows me to prove to my new general manager and the wrestling world that I wasn't hiding behind the facade of PBI. I can prove that I can beat Kris Kristian, that I can beat Brent Daley, that I can beat anyone put in front of me by my god damn self! I left on mutual terms with the vixen of the group. I wish the best of luck to Analica and believe that she will dominate the women's division for years to come. There's nothing stopping me, there抯 nothing controlling me...

Ryan pulls a lighter out of his back pocket as he throws the exposed flame onto the quite flammable T-Shirt. The T-Shirt goes up in flames as Ryan turns away from the heat. He laughs to himself as he kicks the flaming rag outside the ring towards the booing fans.

Ryan Thomas: My debut match was delayed a week for personal reasons so my return matchup has changed. The unlucky son of a bitch who gets to vs. me is one Sean Dallas. I watched his debut promo and his match and I can easily say that I'm quite impressed by the young guns skill. By the looks of it, Strangler decided to test my ring rust straight away, and I know that it will be an uphill task but I will come out as victor. He is simply just another stepping stone in my illustrious career of a professional wrestler. Saying that I've got no beef with the child, He's just in my way and I'll apologize in advance Sean, what I do Wednesday night won't be personal it will just be business.

Ryan laughs to himself as a figure runs down the entrance ramp. Dressed in an Adrenaline t-shirt he slides into the ring and walks up to Ryan. Ryan's expression turns to confusion as the man cups his hands around Ryan's ears. Ryan nods his head in agreement as the man pulls away. The man then exits the ring and walks back up the ramp and behind the curtain.

Ryan Thomas: It looks like my match has been changed again. A tag team match with Eric Draven against Christian and Rhino. From what I've heard about my two new opponents in the locker-room is that they are a bunch of jobbers who have been working here for months. That's just great! My highly regarded skills are being wasted on a bunch of fucking jobbers. To top all this shit off I have to team with some emotionally depraved little faggot. Well done Strangler on your jobbing skills. I don't want to waste my fucking talent on these low carders so when I take out both these idiots you put in front of my Strangler you will have no choice but to give me some real fucking competition.

Ryan throws his mic to the ground as his theme music plays again. He walks up the ramp muttering a few words to himself and shaking his head. He throws his arms in the air as he walks through the curtains. Then the scene fades to darkness.

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