Dear Researcher,
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) is an open access and peer reviewed refereed international Journal.
More than 3100 IJERA published articles are indexed in DOAJ
International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) provides certificate free of cost to all author after publication paper.
INDEXING: NASA Ads, ArXiv, ANED (American National Engineering Database), EBSCO Host, Cabell’s Directory, DOAJ, NCBI
(US National Library) etc.
Impact Factor of IJERA: 5.169
IC Value (By Index Copernicus): 80.82
IC Value: 5.09
Date of manuscript submission
Last date for paper submission: 25th June 2019
Publication Date: 05th July 2019
Acceptance Notification: within 4-6 days from the date of manuscript submission
You can submit your manuscript by simply mailing on in MS Word format.