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undefined Kill Or Be Killed


It was a quarter past noon when Josh Margola got up that day. He had a rough night. Spending it at a buddies house drinking and listening to some rap music. He had no idea how much dope he smoked that night but he sure felt it. He felt like he lost a lot of brain cells and couldn't get his mind to think. He raised out of bed like a zombie raising out of a grave and did a big stretch. He was still at his buddy Ryan's house. He looked around the room, beer bottles and his clothes scattered about. Maybe he didn't just smoke some weed last night he thought. He now remembered that he was drinking too, a little too much. He was paying for it now with his pounding headache. It felt like a herd of elephants were trampling through his head. He wasn't alone in the guest room though, or even alone in the bed. He looked to his left and there lay a woman passed out. Who was this woman? Josh didn't remember and he didn't remember what he did that night. She was laying face down so he couldn't see her face. He rolled slightly to the right and got out of bed, still in his red boxer shorts. It had been a while since he had been with a woman and he wished that he remembered it. Oh well, he thought. At least he got his rocks off.

It wasn't his first time he'd been with a woman. The mere thought of that was laughable to him. He had know idea when he lost his virginity. Maybe he was like sixteen years old. He hadn't a clue. So many women had been with him he didn't remember any of their names. Not one. The names didn't matter. He just wanted more and more. He was very good at getting what he wanted too. A true natural. He always been a hit with the ladies. He guessed it was rugged good looks. No, it wasn't that. He knew of other handsome men who struggled with getting a phone number from a woman. It was his charm. He was a charming fellow. He could talk any woman out of their panties. He was just that good. And proud? He would brag about his latest fling to anyone who would listen. No, he wasn't discreet. It was the only thing holding women back from jumping his bones. His non discreetness didn't effect his numbers though. He was still very good with women. Just like his father was.

His father, Tim Margola was a well known player during his time. He'd walk up to women in coffee shops and on the street. He'd give them a compliment, saying how beautiful they looked and feed them some line about how they should get into the model industry. Josh learned a lot from his father. He learned most of all that it is a numbers game. This was something that Josh quickly picked up from his father. He applied that on the school grounds. He had no fear of loss just like his father. It was easy. Walk up to the girl, tell them how beautiful they looked in that summer dress and then ask them out. If they didn't go for it he knew that a few feet over there was another cute girl waiting to be swept off her feet. Tim gave Josh some very powerful advice. He said to him that there are more women on the face of the planet than you have time to meet. If one girl doesn't cut it, move on. There are still more women out there.

Tim was widowed. His marriage lasted three years before his wife Maria passed away in a car accident going to a convention in a town in nothern Florida. She was a model, a woman with nice curves. A great figure. She was the type of woman that could stop traffic. The type of woman that turned heads. She'd have men whistling and honking their horns at her where ever she went. It didn't phase her one bit. She loved the attention she got from guys and craved the attention she got from Tim. She only wanted to have one child because of her career. It took her a long time to lose the baby weight. Josh was much closer to his father than his mother. His mother was always gone travelling the world with photo shoots and conventions. She was very busy. She'd only see him a couple times a month and then be on the road again.

She was a cover girl. She had been in on all the top magazines in the United States. And she brought home the bacon. She made a lot of money doing those shoots that she'd take a few months off, spend time with Josh and Tim and then go back on the road. Tim was a gambler. As much money as Maria would make doing those photo shoots, he'd spend whatever he'd get on poker. He was a decent player, but he'd lose more than he'd win and this really made Maria upset. She couldn't do anything about it. While she was on the road he was gambling the money and drinking. Tim didn't work. He didn't have to. She did all the work. It was the easy life for Tim. Drinking, gambling. He had a beautiful wife. It was the perfect life. That perfect life though would take a sudden turn.

It was a stormy summer night when Maria passed away. She was heading to a town in nothern Florida when a drunk driver swerved into her lane and smashed into her. They were both killed instantly in the head on collision. It hit Tim and Josh very hard. Tim loved her and even though he was a womanizer, he felt that this woman was the right one for him. Josh loved her too. On the days they spent together, they'd play with lego and make towers. They'd go to the park and she'd push him on the swing. She spent as much time as she could with his mom on her days off because he rarely got to see her. He missed his mom and would visit her grave on her birthday and on mother's day every year. It was his way of dealing with the loss.

One day while visiting her grave on her birthday, a homeless looking man who reeked of scotch, came up to him while he was picking the weeds from around her grave stone. The homeless looking man startled Josh. Josh looked up at him and recognized the man. It was his father, Tim. He was a wreck. Wearing what looked to be two week old jeans with rips in the knees and a muddy rain coat. He had tears in his eyes and was obviously very drunk. He was very incoherent but there was one thing that Josh could make out of what he was saying.

"I miss her." he said. Josh couldn't say anything. He was so choked up with tears that the only thing he could do was give his stinky father a hug. The two embraced and it was then that Josh felt something wet on the back of his shirt. His father had thrown up on him. Grossed out, he took off his shirt. Leave it to his father to ruin something like that. It was then when his father hunched over and vomited all over Josh's shoes. Josh went from crying to then being very upset. His father had thrown up on his shirt and now his shoes. Josh looked at his father with anger in his eyes. If looks could kill, his father would soon be buried by his wife.

"How much did you have to drink?" He asked, not really wanting to know the answer. His father wasn't a violent alcoholic but he was one for sure. He'd call Josh from the bar to picked up. No money for a taxi. He'd always been a drinker but since Maria died, it had become a lot worse. Josh suspected that his father was doing drugs too. Not like light stuff like marijuana or anything. He was suspecting that he was doing cocaine. He didn't know for sure but he could almost see it in his face. He learned a lot from his father. What not to do, like gamble and spend all their money on booze and then later a lot about meeting women.

Fifteen years had passed since that tragic day and he wished that she'd come back. He longed for the days of playing in the park and making lego towers. He missed her and it brought a tear to his eye every time he thought about her. His father morned in another way. He spent a lot of time at the local bar drinking rum and cokes and taking shots of vodka. To him, his life was ruined and even though he could get another woman, and he did get other women in bed on a nightly basis, not one of them could replace his true lady, Maria.

Now out of bed, he looked around on the floor. Somewhere in the mess of clothes, beer bottles and other random junk were his jeans. They were a very expensive brand of jeans, Diesel. They went for about fiive hundred dollars a pair. He grabbed them and slowly put them on. One leg followed by the next. He got themon and slowly zipped up the fly. After buttoning the top, he fastened the belt. Boy did his head hurt. He needed to find some tylenol and fast. He walked over the pile of clothes and out of the room. He walked down the hall. It was lit by the sunlight coming in from the front door. Down the hall he walked. The door to the washroom was on his right. It had already been open and the light had been on. There was no need for the light to be on, so he was curious as to why it was. He took a step in and there she was in all her glory. His friend Ryan's girlfriend completely naked. Nothing covered her except for what looked to be her puke. Yeah, that's right. She had puked all over herself and seemed to have spent most of the night talking to the toilet bowl. Her head was in it and she was still throwing up.

It wasn't the first time he'd seen Mary Jennings, the girl in the bathroom, naked. As a matter of fact. They had a little fun night one time when Ryan was out of town on business. Boy was she great, he remmembered. Could ride like a champion and was so good with her mouth that it made Josh just jonesing for an encore. The two were good friends and with Ryan out on business they decided to get together. It wasn't like Mary did it just to get together with Josh. No, of course not. They wanted to spend some time together as friends. So they went camping in Jacksonville.

Sure, she should have invited someone else along so nothing would happen, but maybe she wanted something to happen. To get back at Ryan for whatever reason. Their relationship was off and on anyway. Josh liked her. She was very pretty. She had a beautiful body. More leggy than anything. She had a great butt as well. One where you could bounce a quarter off of. A true work of art by god. There she was, wearing a pink bikini. Her blonde hair flowing in the wind. They were natural together, swimming in the ocean. They took turns splashing each other with the water. Josh went under water and came up under neath her, liftiing her up on his shoulders. She let out a scream and then Josh fell backwards sending Mary into the water.

Up she came from under the water. The two laughed. They splashed each other with water. Then after a while Mary decided to go into shore. She was dripping wet, her hair a mess as she walked up onto the sandy beach, her feet making foot prints in the sand. Josh soon followed her to the beach.

She was busy though now, ralphing into the toilet. Oh well he thought, maybe another time. He looked at himself in the mirror. There it was, a big black and purple left eye. He had a flashback to the night before. Ryan and Josh had been getting rowdy and the two engaged in a fist fight. It was just for fun, but the two threw haymakers at each other. They all missed except for one. The one that gave Josh that big black eye. He touched it and grimanced in pain. He shook his head is disbelief. What a night. He was used to mornings like these though. Not knowing too much what happened the night before. Putting all the pieces together like a dectective the morning after. Waking up beside a mystery woman. It was like clock work. Every weekend seemed to be the same thing.

He grabbed the mirror and opened it up to find the shelves of pills and dental floss that Ryan had stored in there. There it was. The big red and white bottle with the name Tylenol on the front. He grabbed it and opened it. He looked inside and sighed. It was completely empty. He must have finished it off last weekend. These headaches seemed to come every weekend. He didn't mind though. At the age of twenty five he was having the time of his life. It was perfect. Spend the whole week at the grocery store packing groceries and pushing shopping carts and then on Fridays and Saturdays, spend the nights getting trashed. He didn't have to work weekends because he had senority over everyone. Being there over six years as a cashier aid, he had earned his top spot.

With the Tylenol bottle still in hand, he looked at it and then looked at Maria barfing into the toilet. The revolting sounds of puke coming out her throat made him gag and his head throb in pain. He took the Tylenol bottle and threw it on the ground and then walked out of the washroom. He walked down the hall again and towards the guest room where he had spent the night. When he got in, he didn't like what he saw. There she was, sitting up in bed. It was Maria's friend Francine, the blankets covering her naked body. She looked at Josh and smiled. Josh didn't really like this girl, even though, Francine, the brunette from Sarasota, had always had a crush on him. I guess she got what she wanted. She got him in bed and Josh had been had. He had another flash back. Francine was giving him shot after shot of tequila. She was trying to get him drunk to take advantage of him. And that's exactly what she did.

"Good morning Josh, you were great last night." She said with a laugh. Josh didn't reply. He just looked at the floor. It was there that he found his red, Diesel shirt. He grabbed it with his right hand and put pulled it over his head. Now for his shoes. Where were they? He looked around the room. He found them. They were in the middle of the room. He walked over and looked at them. He couldn't believe what he saw. They were filled with what appeared to be and smelled like cream cheese. He picked one up and examined it. He took it and threw it against the wall. Fuck. His damn brand new shoes. Ryan did this every time to him when he was drunk. He would always put something in his shoes, just to mess with him.

"Calm down honey!" she said. She flipped her hair and got up out of bed. She quickly put on her purple bra. Josh was very upset. No tylenol for his headache, cream cheese in his brand new shoes. What next? She walked over to him and went for a kiss on the lips. Josh, not wanting it, turned his head and she kissed him on the cheek. He walked out of the room and down the hall towards the front door. He looked down at the shoes at the door. It was there that he found Ryan's sneakers. He put them on. They were a size too big but they'd have to do. He opened the door and walked out of the house.

The sun hit his eyes and he squinted. He walked slowly down the steps and to his car, his brown Pony, parked in the driveway. He walked over and discovered something horrible. Eggs were smashed all over his windsheild, cooking in the hot Florida sun. That fucking Ryan. He always had to do something to his car. It happened week in and week out. He opened the door of his car and got in. He didn't want to turn on the windsheild wipers to get rid of the eggs. He tried that last week and it just smeared it across the windsheild. He could see out of it at least. He put the car in reverse and took off down the road. This was the second week in a row he had done this to him. He needed to get these eggs off his windsheild before they cooked in the scorching hot sun.

He headed off down the road and for second time in two weeks he pulled into the parking lot of where he worked. He got out of the car and walked up to the front of the store. He walked through the doors. It was packed in there. Tons of people in there. He thought he'd do a little shopping. He walked down the main aisle just in front of the cashes. There were line ups, huge line ups. Rows and rows of people all waiting to be passed through the cashes. He walked down the first aisle where there were toilet paper and kleenex. He grabbed a package of paper towels and headed down towards the back end of the store. Dodging carts left and right, he finally made it there.

Walking down the frozen food aisle he saw her. Long tanned legs in a black mini skirt. Black top with two mounds of cleavage hanging out. Her brown hair all done up. She looked great. She looked perfect. She was looking at the ice cream. Josh hurried up towards her, passing a bunch of people looking for their frozen food. He opened the refridgerator door beside her and put his finger on the cold, frosty glass. He drew it, a tic tac toe board right on the glass. He put an x in the middle. He closed the door. The woman had been watching him the whole time while he drew this thing. She looked intrigued.

"Your turn!" he said with a smile. She looked at him with a huge shit eating grin. She opened the door and with her index finger, finger nails painted a bright red color, made a jagged O in the centre square. Her left breast and arm rubbed up against Josh's arm. He knew that it was on and had this one in the bag. It wouldn't be too long before she'd be giving him her phone number and even more. The cold air flowed out and made his right arm fill with goosebumps. She closed the door slowly and it made a thuck sound when it closed. She looked at him and smiled. She pulled her hair away from her face. Her green eyes were beaming. It was so easy. Josh had done this so many times, the outcome was always the same.