Hand to Hand
(22:18:52 )
.兵 Adrastos コ�.
says to ~DuR探eT~: hand to hand this time. then we'll move to weapons
(22:19:23 )
says to .兵 Adrastos コ�.: alright, 3 posts, no time limit, prodigy rules...
(22:20:48 )
.兵 Adrastos コ�.
says to ~DuR探eT~: 8 minute time limit as is customary, so we learn it right.
(22:20:56 )
says to .兵 Adrastos コ�.: alright
(22:34:44 )
says to .兵 Adrastos コ�.: I approach you slowly, my eyes studying your hands, your stance carefully. My right hand rolls into a fist, this done so you probably watch it, focus on it, as I approach to within 2 1/2 feet of you, a bit off to your right side in diagonal fashion, my body facing you
And my body turns downward to my left as my right leg, with booted foot, rises quickly in a hard thrusting kick towards your crotch, to attempt to fell you instantly.
(22:37:56 )
.兵 Adrastos コ�.
says to ~DuR探eT~: I removed my cloak and weapons before walking into the pit where I stood facing you. I wore a standard y-slotted helm, strapped securely beneath my chin, a dark tunic and leathers, and high tharlarion boots on my 6'2" 210lbs frame. I stopped in a wide stance 5 paces from you and slightly bent my knees as I shifted my right foot forward slightly to angle my right side more toward you. My left arm bent to hold my fist in front of my chin, that arm angled to protect the right side of my torso, while my left arm then stayed low, that elbow slightly bent to bring my left fisted hand in front of my waist line. I waited as I watched you.
my feet shifted on the sands in your approach and I kept my angled stance toward you in a pivot in your approach. That right leg catching your kick on my thigh, it was a hard kick and may bruise, indeed it hurt.
as my left hand thrust forward to slam my fist toward your solar plexus hoping to wind you and possibly stun you.
(22:43:07 )
says to .兵 Adrastos コ�.: I wasnt sure how a shot was possible to the solar plexus when my upper body was bent downward to your left with the extension of the kick of my right leg outwards at you, so I felt your blow hit my upper right shoulder, as I was rising from the bent motion, back to a standing balance on both feet, it bruising of course but nothing serious
And as your left hand was thrust forward, my hands are brought up quickly to try to snatch your arm in an embrace, while my body twisted around, back more towards you and I attempted to pull your arm forward, to send you in a flip headfirst.
(22:47:56 )
.兵 Adrastos コ�.
says to ~DuR探eT~: my left elbow bent fast and tight to my side to jerk my arm from your grasp, my fist once more coming to rest at my waistline, though held out from me. I kept my fight arm as it had been to cover partially my torso and in preparation to protect my face.
my left hand shooting forward, fisted, as your body moved in it's turn intended to flip me, I aimed for your now hopefully exposed right kidney area. The jab swift and hard and ending with the quick withdrawl of my fist back toward me.
(22:52:01 )
says to .兵 Adrastos コ�.: Figuring if you avoided the grabbing of your left arm, my back would be exposed to attack, so I quickly shuffle backwards since Im not facing you, right into you, so your blow has real no leverage, the shot to kidney landed with no real force, and my ass is now touching your crotch and I didnt like it.
so I snap my head backwrds, towards your nose, in attempt to possibly smash it, break it, while simutaneously twisting upon the motion so my body turned toward you , to be at your left shoulder side, facing you, still right on you, like I wanted to kiss you.
(22:56:59 )
.兵 Adrastos コ�.
says to ~DuR探eT~: I crouched as you moved back and kept the distance between us close, knees bending my left elbow bending in synch with my knees to keep my left fist ready at waist level. my right fist remained where it was and your backward slam of your head met the air.
my right hand thrust in a quick strike upward when you turned, my fisted hand opening in that thrust as I moved in synch with your twist to remain facing you, my fingers extending to try and sink into the flesh of your neck and grasp your windpipe to rip it from your throat. (round 3)
(22:59:51 )
says to .兵 Adrastos コ�.: I simply stepped quickly to the right, my upper body simutaneously jerking to the right too as I saw your right arm extending upwards, your grab or thrust, missing.