
My artistic ability was somewhat buried in my life,
periodically poking its head out in one fashion or another.
I experimented in many mediums, yet without vision;
that is until early 2004. A strong impulse (I attribute to God’s Spirit)
began in me to start sketching. I began sketching
anything that got in my way. But like the Apostle
Paul, I felt like I was beating the air. Then after
soul searching, a style and flavor began to develop that soon became a passion.
I began sketching the human face and before long even
this was narrowed down to children, specifically
of underprivileged children in foreign lands.
I mainly specialize in portaits, wildlife, and
landscaping. If you are interested in purchusing
an original, or having a custom sketch
done please email me at PortPainter@Hotmail.com
Email: portpainter@hotmail.com