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Live phone polls are used in Manmouth University Polls, Washington post Polls, IBD polls, Marist Polls, NBC news polls, Fox News polls etc. An interviewer asks questions of a respondent by telephone. Most telephone polls conducted by live interviewers combining both landlines and cellphones. But it seems that half of the U.S. households could not take part in this 2016 Election Polls as they do not have a landline. In spite of that still Clinton is on margin of 13, 7, 7, 15, 9, and 10 respectively than Trump in these polls.

Some online 2016 Election Polls which is conducted by self-selected respondent on the internet, exhibited that Clinton is a little bit ahead of Trump concerning the 2016 Election Polls duel in the Presidency. Clinton has secured 7, 9, 4 and 4 margin points respectively on CVoter polls, Morning Consult polls, Reuter’s polls and Rasmussen polls, regulated yesterday.

Well it becomes apparent that in the National Polling Clinton has attained sharp win over Trump. In this 2016 Election Polls Trump has achieved 33 to 44 percentage points whereas Clinton has gained 43 to 51 percentage points.

State Polling Averages about “Clinton vs. Trump” Polls

State polls result can be a little bit stress for Clinton because of swing states votes and Trump is little bit ahead of her in Georgia and Arizona and far more ahead at Missouri State. However, the states has given their responds to 2016 Election Polls in the ascending order starting from Ohio, lowa, North Carolina, Florida, New Hampshire, Virginia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and  Wisconsin. Moreover average margin starts from 0.3 to 6.9 in these states for Clinton.