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The sky is dark with broken gray clouds as the moon sneaks through to light a street lined with nice-looking homes. Off in the distance, we see a red SUV turn the corner, a very attractive woman behind the wheel. She pulls into the driveway of a two story home. She turns off the engine, opens the door and steps out of the car. It's Ivy Steel. She stares silently at the house which has all its lights on.

Ivy starts searching her purse for her cell phone. She dials 911. A man on the other line answers.

911: This is 911, what is your emergency?

Ivy: I just got home and the lights are on in my house, and I didn't leave them on when I left. I think the door's open a little.

911: Ok, we will send a car to check it out. What is your address?

Ivy: It's 2747 Sunset Avenue.

911: Ok, just stay out of the house until the car arrives. We will be there shortly.

Ivy: Thank you.

We see a cop car rounding the corner, coming down the street with its lights on.

The lights turn off as the car pulls up to the house. Two uniformed officers, a woman and man, get out of the car and approch Ivy, who is standing in the driveway.

Ivy: Please be careful, the door looks slightly open.

Policeman: Don't worry, ma'am, we do this all the time.

The two cops slowly approach the house, their guns drawn. The policewoman looks at her partner and signals for him to enter first. He slowly pushes open the door and takes a step inside, alsmost slipping but catching himself. He looks down to see that the floor is covered in mud. He points at the mud and signals to his partner to move around it. The cops can see the mud trail leading up the stairs, and follow it cautiously, keeping their guns pointed as they reach the top of the stairs. They can see a dark, bulky figure moving in a bathroom and the sound of water running.

Policeman: This is the police, come out of the bathroom slowly, and lay down on the ground with your hands behind your back.

There is no answer from the bathroom as the cops slowly move closer. They take up position on either side of the bathroom door. The policeman enters first, and sees a man sitting in the tub, coverd in dirt, the water around him black.

Policeman: Police! Stand up and get out of the tub. Your under arrest for breaking and entering.

The man complies, slowly reaching for a large towel as he steps out of the tub, and wraps it around his waist.

Man: I didn't break into anywhere, I live here. You got a problem with that?

Policeman: The lady who lives her called in that an intruder was in her house. We'll take you downstairs and see what she says about it. But until she IDs you, we'll have to cuff you.

The man puts his wrists out and the officer cuffs him, a tight fit due to the man's muscular build. The cops lead him downstairs in nothing but his towel, and out the front door to where Ivy is waiting. We see Ivy take one look at the man and drop her cell phone, staring in disbelief.

Standing before her, half covered in mud, naked but for a towel
tucked around his waist, and his wrists bound,
was Mystical Death.

Ivy: Oh my God, you're alive!!

Policeman: You know this guy, ma'am?

Ivy: Yes, he's my husband! But I thought he was dead, when his plane went down on the way back from a match in the UWA.

Mystical: I survived, but I was struck with amnesia and forgot who I was. I started a new life, and through therapy I slowly regained my memories. I learned that I was presumed dead, so I went to see my gravesite, and when I got there I found that someone had dug it up. So I made my way here and was trying to get cleaned up when these two officers descended upon me and brought me down here to you.

Policewoman: Is it true, ma'am? Is this really your husband?

Ivy: Yes it is, you can release him. I'm sorry for calling you guys out here.

Policewoman: It's always better to be safe than sorry, ma'am. If you need us again just give a call.

Ivy: Thank you.

The cops uncuff Mystical Death. They get into their car and drive off into the night.

We see Ivy embrace Mystical and kiss him deeply. The tears of joy that had been welling up in her eyes while the cops were there now spill down her cheek freely.

Ivy: (whispers) I can't believe it! I'm so glad to have you home, I've missed you so much. I never took off my wedding ring. I kept hoping they were wrong about your death. I couldn't bring myself to believe it, not even when the UWA paid for your funeral and put all your wrestling memorabila in the coffin.

Mystical leads her into the house. We fade to inside the same upsatirs bathroom where Mystical has resumed his bath, this time with Ivy joining him in the tub, sponging him down.

Ivy: So now that your back, what do you plan to do? What with the UWA being shut down and all...

Mystical: I guess you haven't heard. They are reopening, and I have a match this Saturday with Jeremy Cundiff. Ivy, I want you to accompany me to ring, but this time I want you to travel with me to every fight. I want you to be my manager.

Ivy: You want me to quit my job and go out on the road with you? But I have a life here, and friends and a good job...

Mystical: Yes, but only so we can be together always. I love you, and I want us to enjoy all that life has to offer together. Not to mention that this first match is going to be a no-DQ match, and I need you, babe, to be there to watch my back.

They sit in silence for a long time, and then Ivy speaks.

Ivy: Alright, I will do it. Beacues I belive in you, and I love you. First thing tomorrow morning I will quit my job and go on the road with you full time.

Mystical: Good, because Jeremy Cundiff needs to be dealt with swiftly, to prove my presence and weight. Beating him down will be my first stepping stone back into the UWA fold. Together we're going to destroy him quickly. Anything you can find to hit him with fast and hard...

Ivy: Oh no problem, I'm good at that...

Giving Mystical Death a sly, longing look, they step out of the bath, nice and clean, and he sweeps her up in his arms and takes her to the bedroom. The bathroom door closes shut on a faraway view of the lovers getting under the covers, while the door fades the screen to black.