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Kassia lived in the early 800's in the Byzantine Empire. She was born into a common family and ended up being one to the candidates for a "bride show" where the Emperor would choose a wife from a linup of women. When he commented about women being responsible for the downfall of man (Eve and the forbidden fruit) she retorted "out of woman the greater" talking about Christ. Well, the emperor's pride was so hurt by this he passed over her for another woman. After that Kassia founded a convent West of constantinople where she became the author of about 500 different hymns and songs for the church.

Walther von der Vogelweide

Walther was a knight of sorts whose name in English means "Walter of the Bird-Field" which meant that he had no permanent place of residence. He was most likeley a retainer for some rich duke; Knighted for bravery instead of lineage. Walther was more of a lyricist than a musician who was quite famous at the time. Born around 1170 and died around 1230.

Willam Byrd

William Byrd is probably one of the more well known composers of the Early Renaissance. He was botn in 1540 and died in 1623. One of his most well know pieces is "Sumer is icumen in" which is a five part harmony with two different melodies sung at the same time. Click here for more info.

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