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The camera shows an arena full of screaming XPWA fans. The camera pans around the arena showing some fans holding up signs saying "Fall From Grace". A strange yet familiar music blasts through the pa system. The crowd goes nuts looking towards the entrance way. The lights go out and the music suddenly stops. A demonic childlike voice starts speaking.

The time has come to once again open the gate and let loose upon the world a massive destructive force.” “The time has come to restart the ticking of the Clock, and once again know what fear is” “He has been awoken from his long slumber and he yearns for the chaos of battle and destruction” “He has returned to a long forgotten past where he needs to fulfill his density, his very birthright.” “He has returned and hell has followed”

The titan tron flashes and comes on. The scene opens up showing a tattered and burned down arena. The letters TDSW are just barley visible through the charred remains of the banner. Fallen support beams and ashes cover the floor. You see that the once proud titian tron is nothing more than an empty hole in the wall with broken glass shards lying lifeless and shattered on the floor. To the right of the titian tron you see what looks like to be 12 broken burnt tables wrapped in barbed wire lying on the floor. You turn to look at the ring and see nothing more than four posts supporting a large piece of ply wood. You look closer at the broken down ring and see an outline of a shadowy figure sitting in the corner of the ring. You move in closer

Nemesis: So you’ve come… you have came to my place of refuge. The place I like to come and train, the place I call home. This once proud arena use to show matches that you couldn’t even fathom. Matches so brutal that the President of this company wouldn’t sanction them because he did not want to be held responsible for the outcome of the match. One of the most memorable matches that I can recall was a match that I was not in but created it. Your sole purpose in this match was to destroy your opponent. The only way for you to win in this match was either to knock your opponent incommodious or to climb out of the 20 foot hole you were put in. This match was called the Lions Den match. Most men only get the opportunity to actually witness a match of this magnitude, most don’t have what it takes to actually except a challenge to one. Fades to black……………

The scene opens back up in what looks to be a small village that looks like it just went through a war. As the camera man moves through the village you see burnt down huts, tattered remains of old clothes and a small stuffed teddy bear with its head ripped off. In the middle of the village Nemesis sits with a grim smile on his face.

Nemesis: Ahhh!!! Doesn’t this just bring back so many memories from the past? This village is a key marking point in making me who I am today. For this pathetic excuse for a home is where I grew up. You see I never really liked it here; I never really got along with the other kids. I was always seen as someone different, The only friend I had on this island was this.

(holding up the teddy bear and then throwing it to the ground)

Nemesis: You see!!! I was a man of peace!!! Until the day came where HE!! Took it all away!! He came and destroyed it all, he made my life a living hell. He killed my family! My mother!, my father! My whole fucking family!! He never stopped!! He was like a machine, everything that got in his way while crushed beneath his boot. This man went through this entire village killing everything he came upon!! That is until he saw me. I was only 12 years old at the time. I knew no better, I was all alone in the middle of the village. The man came up to me, his eyes burned like fire. He just stood there and looked at me as if he were studying me or analyzing what he should do next. What the man did next still perplexes me to this very day. He reached inside of his long black cloak and pulled out a long staff. This staff was unique because he had a dragon craved on the top with its tail winding around to the bottom. This man handed me the staff and spoke these words.

Man: I have search for a very long time and I think I have found you. You are destined for great things. You and I will reign supreme over all. Take the staff Nemesis and follow me to glory.

Nemesis: As I reached out for the staff this man grabbed my left arm and branded a unique tattoo on it. As most of you know it is referred to the “Mark Of The Legion” The man just smiled and let go. But that’s not the end of the story, what the man didn’t not plan on was what I did next. As he let go of my left arm I took the staff and well( laughs )…….. I don’t remember much after that. All I remember is waking up laying beside the man still gripping the staff in my hand. As I looked at the staff I noticed that the top of the dragon piece was broken off and where it once laid was a dark stain of crimson. As I stood over the bloody man I wonder to myself who this man is and what could have made him do what he has done. As he lay on the ground in the rain I noticed a tattoo on his chest. You could just barely see it through his torn shirt. I tore open his shirt and fell back in shock. The tattoo read: In the beginning God Created Heaven and Earth……soon after came the Apocalyptic Clock………….and hell followed below that was his name: Malice. As I sat there staring at the tattoo I wondered to myself what it meant. I never realized that this was a sign of things to come and it would not be the last time I would see this man. He again would haunt my presence and never let me forget what I did that night.

Nemesis: Malice was correct however, I was meant for great things after I left that village behind I found a place called the TDSW and there I found my brother that I thought was killed so long ago. Arch Angel. Arch and I paved a path of destruction in the TDSW lying to waste opponent after opponent. I alone held the record for the most consecutive titles held at one time. In the TDSW the Apocalyptic Clock was a force to be reckoned with. We were the longest reigning tag team champions in history. Unfortunately I had to leave the TDSW and I found the FWL. What can I say… Arch and I gave a whole new outlook on the meaning of Hardcore. The matches that we would come up with were insane, no one walked away from these matches. But enough of this, I have told you far too much.

It’s Time!!!!

Screen goes blank and all you can hear is static

The symbol of the AC appears on the screen.
