User Review – An Overview
In simple, basic language user review is the feedback that your customers give to your product or service on an online website. It is your customer’s opinion and rating of the product or service that you have provided them. It can be informal i.e. on a one-on-one basis or a formal one.
What are the advantages of user review?
The advantages of user reviews are numerous. Some of them are listed below:
Positive user reviews creates very positive waves for your product in the market. It is an ingenious and free method of advertising your product!
When your prospective customers will go through your user reviews they will realize that you take good care of your customer’s demand even after they have made the purchase. Always remember that good after sale services are a very huge incentive for a customer to buy your product.
No business is perfect. And looking for improvement and working towards it is the formula for success. User reviews help you in identifying your weaknesses as a producer or supplier and this in turn makes the process of improvement easier.
Always remember that for a customer there is no better review than one from a person who had already bought or used the product that he intends to buy. A previous customer can convince your customer into buying the product more positively than your salesman!
If yours is a large company you will know how difficult it is for your management to keep track of everything that is going on. A user review helps in that in a very efficient way.
If a customer gets extensive user reviews online about your company or product he will immediately realize your popularity, honesty and diligence.