side effects of steroids have received attention in past few years due to several cases being heard amongst celebrities or common people. The usage of steroids regularly can harm your body in some or the other way. There are too many side effects caused by steroids intake.
Some most common side effects of steroids are illustrated below:
- Steroids cause acne on the body of many individuals. They might get pimples on their face or neck area. The main reason for getting acne is the increase in hormones through your system. It is not possible to cure acne with medication as it will be the impact of hormonal changes, rather than any skin problem. Acne is a very common impact of steroid intake and can be a trouble for sportspersons.
- Steroids can affect working of liver. Many studies have shown that levels of enzymes increase rapidly after taking oral steroids regularly. If steroids are taken on daily basis, they might result in liver damage. It might result in regular stomach problems too.
- Steroids will make you fat due to water retention in the body. Regular intake of steroids will make water collection on your body, especially neck and facial muscles and you will appear puffy or swollen.
- Steroids cause increased level of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body. It has been observed that athletes get maximum negative effect due to addition in levels of bad cholesterol. It might result in cardiovascular problems in the body of individuals.
- If taken too much, steroids can grow your breasts. In men, it will seem that the skin gets thicker around nipples and slowly convert into breast formation. It is a permanent impact and won’t change even after stopping the in-take of steroids. There are many men requiring surgeries to reduce breast mass. The condition is termed as Gynocomastia.
- Roids rage is another problem caused by intake of steroids on regular basis. People get increased aggressiveness and even get worst psychological conditions, like depression or memory loss. It is due to increased level of hormones in the body, which lead to such mental condition of a patient.
- If steroids are given to teenagers or children, they hamper the body growth of an individual. In case of ill effects, the body stops growing and a person remains weak throughout his/her life. This effect can’t be reversed by stoppage of steroid dosages or through any other medication.
- Females getting regular steroids might get infertile and can’t reproduce. There are treatments available for the same, but it requires too much of time and efforts to get back into normal conditions.
- There can be adverse effects of steroids on internal organs of the body. It might include high BP, kidney problems, prostate gland enlargement and reduction of immunity of body.
Steroids should be taken with proper suggestion of doctors. You should discuss about the side effects of steroids caused by these dosages and prepare yourself to get through those problems. It is not certain that you’ll get negative effects, but it is very common to get some or the other problem by steroid intake.