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Hello friends, I am Sophie and I am working in an IT firm from last 1.5 years. In my work place many employees are engaged in smoking addiction but I do not like it. When I was a kid, I saw my mother smoking. She was a hard core smoker and used to smoke at least 2 to 2.5 packets of tobacco cigarettes per day. Her irregular and excessive smoking addiction made my dad angry more and more. That time I was too young to understand or say anything to my mom but I knew something was going wrong because my mother was looking pale and ill, wasn't eating or sleeping much. She was such a hard core smoker as I used to light her cigarette while she was driving. With time passes, I understood the truth that my mother was highly addicted to smoking.

Her smoking habits made me frustrated. At that time I met my old friend who had made me aware about new technical cigarette known as electronic cigarettes. When I came to know about the electronic cigarettes I was very confused about the quality and effectiveness of these e cigarettes as that time I was completely blank about this device. But, I knew the fact that irregular smoking habit had affected the life of my mother as well as my family members also. Therefore, I started searching online about these devices and one day I found an e cigarette reviews website that gives unbiased reviews about different brands of e cigarettes.

After doing proper research about e cigarettes and different available brands, I found V2 cigs as the best electronic cigarette brands.  I had gifted V2 cigs electronic cigarette to my mother and she was very happy to see that. And from onwards, she use to inhale e cigarettes instead of tobacco. As per the personal experience, I think V2 cigs disposable is the one of the best product that is designed especially by keeping in mind the need of first time users. Those people who do not have prior experience with e cigarettes, V2 cigs disposable kit is the best option for them. Thanks V2 cigs to make my mother out of smoking!!!