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Sophies Super Awesome Blog
Monday, 17 April 2006
school bullshit and a weird food court encounter
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: there is a light that never goes out by the Smiths

okay today was just THE WORST. soooooo theres this girl at my school (not gonna put her name here bcuz i dont wanna deal with anymore shit but if u know me u know who this is) who is just a total cunt to me. in bio she passed a note through her friends calling me a rat-faced tranny (that is EXACTLY what it said) and i tried to show it to mr. jacobsen but he couldnt prove who the note came from but i KNOW it was her cuz she site fucking four rows behind me. so anyways i told amanda abt it in the period after that and she told me to let it go and i said fine i would, or at least id try. i didnt have to deal with her any more during the day but it was such a downer i just couldnt deal.

amanda took me to the promenade to cheer me up. we went and ate subs in the food court and we talked abt that crazy wedding she went to and she gave me her copy of this CD by this british band called The Smiths and told me to listen and tell her what i thought. i swear she knows ALL the best music, lol.

while we were eating i saw this guy out of the corner of my eye and he looked homeless and i was worried he was just gonna come up and ask me for change. he was really tall (like maybe 6 and a half ft) and he had really greasy brown hair and this bushy beard with knots in it and he was SUUUPER skinny like freakishly skinny. and he had these long yellow nails and teeth the same kind of yellow. his clothes were dirty and ripped. when i looked up at his face i saw that he didnt have ANY EYES O_O just these empty sockets and i saw the red muscle or whatever it was that is normally behind someones eyes. and he didnt have like a cane or whatever so he was just running his hands along the chairs in the foodcourt and shuffling along and he came RIGHT UP TO ME and he almost brushed me with his gross hands!!! Frown NO THANK YOU!!! so i stood up and let him move past. amanda asked him if he needed help but he seemed to ignore her. maybe he was deaf too. who knows? i know I DEFINITELY DONT bcuz EW. EWWWW. i told my dad abt the dude and he said i was being rude by judging him and maybe thats true, i just do NOT want some strange dude touching me for no reason!! i think that makes sense!

now  that im @ home ive been listening to that CD amanda gave me and theres this one song ive been keeping on repeat over and ove called "there is a light that never goes out" and it just sounds soooo magical to me. its not normally the kind of music that id listen to but that chorus just GETS ME Smile it sounds so sad but so beatiful. i think maybe its about death or hope or something, like theres this light that never goes out even in the darkest times. but the weird thing is i feel like maybe ive heard it before and maybe i have but its like i have a good memory linked to it. its hard to explain.

 ughhhh my dad is kicking me off the computer bcuz he has to send some dumb emails or whatever. anywayzzzzzz ill post again soon!

xoxo sophie ♥ 

Posted by sophieissocool666 at 7:04 PM PDT
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Sunday, 16 April 2006
my official website!!!
Mood:  on fire

okay so i just got the best idea EVERRRRRR!!! since i can make my own website here and have my own stuff on it i was thinking maybe i can make a site where i investigate mysteries and stuff! like things in california or just in san diego county or just looking into weird shit in general! ive already got a name for it: SOPHIE SOLVES MYSTERIES. i think thats pretty cool, right? Cool i dont know how to change the URL or whatever so its still gonna be sophieissocool666 but its gonna be all about weird mysteries and stuff! if ur reading i hope u check it out! 

xoxo sophie ♥ 

Posted by sophieissocool666 at 4:45 PM PDT
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Saturday, 15 April 2006
im so booorreedddd DX
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: i write sins not tragedies by panic! at the disco
Topic: whateverrr

ughhhhhhh theres nothing to do this weekend!!!

my friend amanda is at a wedding up in some random corner of oregon (heyyyy amanda if ur reading this!!! Smile) and temecula is TOTAL GARBAGE and there is nothign to do here. my dad got called in to work today so right now i have the computer all to myself so i went on youtube and found the dance scene from napoleon dynamite!! OMFG it is sooooo funny! i love that movie sO MUCH XD XD ive just been watching that lil scene on repeat! i dont know how to put it on my blog but when i found out how to i will. (VOTE FOR PEDRO! XD)

 im eating some pizza from last night (hawaiian is the BOMB) and since i have literally nothinngggggg to do im looking up stuff on google about heavens gate. it is soooo creepy that theyre website is STILL up even after all of them died. i cant even understand half of what the writing is abt bcuz its so weirdly written and theyre beleifs are totally whacko. like you really think alien jesus is gonna ride on a comet and take you up into heaven? how did they even end up thinking that? and while im on it WHY THE BLACK NIKES??? its just so strange. (maybe i should buy some black nikes, LOL)

amanda thinks this kind of stuff is cool too. shes one of the only ppl who doesnt think im morbid or whatever and we like to talk abt it sometimes like which cult we wouldve joined (just talking abt it, id NEVER join a cult for realz). when i was over at her house last weekend we were in her room on her computer (btw im soooo jelly that she has a computer IN HER ROOM but its a macintosh computer so its kinda weird LOL) we were looking at these pix of jonestown and it was just like this big sea of bodies, it was kinda surreal. the world is just so fuckin crazy sometimes and so much weird shit happens sometimes i wonder if any of it is really happening, or if were in like the matrix or whatever. were probably not in the matrix LMAO.

but anywayyyyzzz amanda and i were talking and she said that when summer starts we should go to rancho sante fe and try and sneak into the heavens gate house which would be SO COOL Cool shes gonna get her license soon so were totally gonna do that and go on a roadtrip to celebrate my sweet 16!!! i dont know if that would be cool with my dad but who cares? i cant wait!!! XD XD XD

xoxo sophie ♥ 

Posted by sophieissocool666 at 11:23 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 12 April 2006
starting my blog!!! :D :P
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Its not a fashion statement its a deathwish by MCR

HEY GUYZ! :D :D :D welcome to my blog!!! my name is sophie (not gunna tell you my last name bcuz i dont want you creeps stalking me LOL) and i live in cali and im in high school (sophomore year!!!). im guessing that only peepz from my high school are gunna read this so i dont know why im saying that Tongue out

anywayz im a writer. i like to write poems and stuff sometimes bcuz it helps me deal with my life, but im NOT gonna post any here! that would be so embarassing! well maybe i will but im only gonna post what i think is really good. and i dont really want to be a poet really, i wanna be a journalits someday and write about like crime and stuff. or maybe like a detective or a journalist-detective or somthing. liiiike mayb i could helo the cops catch the next charles manson or like the golden state killer (who STILL HAS NOT BEEN CAUGHT O~O)

 ppl @ school think im weird or whatever because im into creepy stuff like that, even the teachers Undecided like my english teacher ms. kowalski (if ur from my school dont tell her im writing this) told us to write a short story and i wrote a story about this creepy cult that murders a bunch of girls and ms. kowalski showed it to my dad and told him she thought i was "deepy disturbed" and need counselling when i was just trying to do something i thought was cool. my dad was REALLY mad at me and he yelled at me in the car abt how i needed to keep that stuff in more if i wanted ppl to think im normal but WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT TO BE NORMAL?! ughhhhhhh

 sorry that got me so mad but i kinda wanna use this blog to vent a bit when in need. so i might do that sometimes. but right now im mostly just excited to do this blog! Smile it might be weird with finals coming up in a couple months but whatevz! i should probably stop writin now cuz i need to do some dumb math hmwrk (WHEN AM I EVER GONNA NEED CALCULUS?) but ill write again soon!

xoxo sophie ♥ 

Posted by sophieissocool666 at 10:16 PM PDT
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