
Now Playing: there is a light that never goes out by the Smiths
okay today was just THE WORST. soooooo theres this girl at my school (not gonna put her name here bcuz i dont wanna deal with anymore shit but if u know me u know who this is) who is just a total cunt to me. in bio she passed a note through her friends calling me a rat-faced tranny (that is EXACTLY what it said) and i tried to show it to mr. jacobsen but he couldnt prove who the note came from but i KNOW it was her cuz she site fucking four rows behind me. so anyways i told amanda abt it in the period after that and she told me to let it go and i said fine i would, or at least id try. i didnt have to deal with her any more during the day but it was such a downer i just couldnt deal.
amanda took me to the promenade to cheer me up. we went and ate subs in the food court and we talked abt that crazy wedding she went to and she gave me her copy of this CD by this british band called The Smiths and told me to listen and tell her what i thought. i swear she knows ALL the best music, lol.
while we were eating i saw this guy out of the corner of my eye and he looked homeless and i was worried he was just gonna come up and ask me for change. he was really tall (like maybe 6 and a half ft) and he had really greasy brown hair and this bushy beard with knots in it and he was SUUUPER skinny like freakishly skinny. and he had these long yellow nails and teeth the same kind of yellow. his clothes were dirty and ripped. when i looked up at his face i saw that he didnt have ANY EYES O_O just these empty sockets and i saw the red muscle or whatever it was that is normally behind someones eyes. and he didnt have like a cane or whatever so he was just running his hands along the chairs in the foodcourt and shuffling along and he came RIGHT UP TO ME and he almost brushed me with his gross hands!!! NO THANK YOU!!! so i stood up and let him move past. amanda asked him if he needed help but he seemed to ignore her. maybe he was deaf too. who knows? i know I DEFINITELY DONT bcuz EW. EWWWW. i told my dad abt the dude and he said i was being rude by judging him and maybe thats true, i just do NOT want some strange dude touching me for no reason!! i think that makes sense!
now that im @ home ive been listening to that CD amanda gave me and theres this one song ive been keeping on repeat over and ove called "there is a light that never goes out" and it just sounds soooo magical to me. its not normally the kind of music that id listen to but that chorus just GETS ME it sounds so sad but so beatiful. i think maybe its about death or hope or something, like theres this light that never goes out even in the darkest times. but the weird thing is i feel like maybe ive heard it before and maybe i have but its like i have a good memory linked to it. its hard to explain.
ughhhh my dad is kicking me off the computer bcuz he has to send some dumb emails or whatever. anywayzzzzzz ill post again soon!
xoxo sophie ♥