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Sandy Cordes


If there was one word to describe Sandy it would be happy. There is a hop in her step and a constant smile on her face that makes her appear to be in a good mood all the time. It is as if she lives in a world where there is no suffering, however most often she's involved in some outreach program for women, working in soup kitchens and any other number of things to help the community. She is an avid member of the Church of the People, a small local church that opens its doors to those of all faith who choose to focus on charity and working to better the community.

Despite all the activities she chooses to keep up with she still manages to be a bundle of energy. No goal is too complicated or too farfetched for Sandy. As a result she finds it hard to "slow" down. She has a constant need to control her environment even if it's the color of the thread of the table cloth everything must be in its place. Her appearance is reflective of her need for control, her clothes are always ironed, clean, and always matching. She's always dressed specifically for the occasion as if everything was just a part of a larger, organized plan.

There is still something wild about her regardless of her do-good attitude. Something in the way that she looks at people suggests she knows something more than she lets on. Her laugh is carefree and confident and no matter what the situation she always appears to be assured in her own ability to adapt and preserver. It’s hard to say why, but if you look at her at just the right moment you know that the girl that goes to church five days a week has a secrete to hide.