If many intellectuals gather at one place then everyone speaks more loudly than others. The matter that is of general interest is forgotten altogether. He who has the habbit of saying 'I Know' 'You dont', he is distracted from the path of equity. He speaks whatever he likes to show his greatness. At the end the equity cannot prevail and what prevails is something inequitable. On one hand there is a rise in ego and the heart is burning on the other. Therefore he who is intelligent shows to people that he does not know anything. He makes out to the public that he is a fool and saves himself from the burden of ego.
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There is someone who understands that the God is greater than him. He also understands that the God resides in the minds of people. Therefore he always soothes the minds of people. If there is chaos at any place then the intellectuals present there are held responsible. What intellectuals they are? They dont know how to keep others mind. Hostility begets hostility and makes us sad. Therefore let us understand the virtue of being good. He who is good is always attentive. He never gets into something petty. He who is great should have pity and foregiveness in his mind. Someone who is a man of virtue, happens to sit besides a man of vice. The former understands the shortcomings of the latter. He who is man of conscience always work conscientiously. On the basis of conscience one can explore the remedies, the options and can undertake the long term efforts. A bad person is engulfed in conflicts. He who babbles often goes down to a low level. He who distracts from the path of conscience is not a wise person. A foolish person knows least about the equity, options and remedies. He just rakes up something and enters into a pettty loop. Then those who are intelligent set the things right. They help people come out of non-sense. They lead others by their action. There are many people in this world. There are good people also among these many. A good person causes satisfaction to the minds of all. He understands the mind of people. He understands the time, circumstances and the relativity of everything. He knows how to calm down the agitated people. People who are like this do have a very capable conscience. People at large cannot understand the work done by such people. He leads many people and drives many organisations. This state of capability can be acquired only on the basis of conscience. Let us strengthen our conscience in solitude. Let us realise the God. Let us not divide people between those who favour us and those who are against us. One can conceptualise the great plans in solitude. One can think about the whole universe in solitude. Let us meditate in solitude and identify where the things went wrong. Let us reach out the eternal spirit in solitude. He who knows the art of living in solitude becomes a man of vision. He can read the future.
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While giving response to someone we should understand the purpose and also his mind. Let us understand some signs of intelligence. All our activities sans intelligence are useless. If there is chaos at some place then who can be satisfied in being there. Where many people want to speak many things, we should keep quiet. We should quickly read others mind. Dont sit among useless people. Dont indulge in quarelling against the harsh ones. Dont disturb the satisfaction of the minds of others for the sake of your ego. Let us put up an appearance of a beginner. Let us not make a show of our intelligence. Let us speak soft words to gain understanding of the mind of people. Do understand any event in its true sense. Dont rake up quarrels with many. If we do this then we cannot convince others even though being on the right side.
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Dont get tired of exploring. Dont be in the company of the corrupt people. Dont level wild allegations against anyone when you are in the company of corrupt people. We should try to understand the mental pain of the afflicted person. We should read an extract from a book that is relevant for his problems. Good people will develop the habbit of reading after knowing something from you. Dont sit among people to kill time. Dont participate in the act of collective devotion if there is no substance in that activity. Someone should display good qualities while having interaction with people. If he ensures this then he can interact with any person. You should make friends after due evaluation. Your communication with people should be an act at par to the devotion to God. People should get pleased on communicating with you. Be good to everyone. You should get the detailed information about the place where you plan to go. People should come close to you as if you are very dear to them. The divisions among people are superficial therefore you should not be too much concerned about that. You should soothe the minds of all. You should not go anywhere when it is dark.
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He who wants to be a friend of the world, should understand that the key to this is with his tongue. He can be friend of all if he speaks sweet honeyed words. He should search for good people and identify them. He should attend any gathering where people glorify God. He should sit there at a distance like a deprived person. He should understand whatever is being told there. There he can find the good and the broad minded people. He should get close to such people. Listening is a good method of learning. It is still better to think over what has been listened. This leads to satisfaction of mind. We should be attentive when we are among people. We should understand their minds. There is no need to feel tired without understanding the truth.
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