An imposing figure, standing at a height of 7'5", this apparently alien being seems less than friendly. His muscular body is coated in black skin with the texture of suede leather. Purple eyes stare callously out. Red hair is tucked behind pointed ears, falling straightly to chin-level, always well-kept. Two sets of horns extend from his head. The first set starts at his forehead, and arches skyward, while the second starts at the back of his head, and extends out behind him in a slight downward arch. A sharp bone spade ends his lengthy tail, appearing quite the useful weapon in and of itself. Each hand sorted four fingers, including the thumb digits, and each digit ended in a sharp claw. the same of his paw-like feet. Each claw could put a hole in deck plating as though it was dirt. Slits on the backs of both of his wrists suggests there may be extendable claws within. These claws are equipped with a natural Class V Necrotoxin. Without treatment, this toxin will cause death in less than an hour. If one should be so fortunate as to see him smile, or unfortunate enough to see him snarl, they would notice that all teeth within his maw are wickedly sharp, and have a slight sheen to them that 'normal' tooth material simply does not posses. Usually, all that adorns his form is a pair of shorts and a bandoleer to pin his rank on. Perhaps some sort of feline or demon, this creature. An exact guess is impossible at first glance. Upon his right bicep is a silver-toned tattoo which reads "Ex.CXIV" under a barcode. The tattoo's significance is unknown to many, but it is his Identification Number under Chrysallis Industries. Experiment 114.
Height: 7'5"
Weight: 413lbs (all muscle).
Specializations: Soldier; Weapons Development, Repair, and Upgrade.
Other Skills: Piloting (Average); Ship Repair (Advanced); Ship Construction (Advanced); Power Armor Manufacture and Repair (Average); Demolitions (Expert); Pyrotechnics (Expert); Stealth (Expert); Military Planning and Coordination (Advanced).
Weapon of Choice: Modified G250-A "Destroyer" - Classification: Starship Cannon.
Side Arm: ARC-50B Heavy Assault Rifle - Classification: Combustion Blaster(R).
Other Weapons: M-16 (Classification: Slugthrower); X-22 Light Repeating Blaster (Classification: Combustion Blaster(R)); VAX-R43 (Classification: Heavy Repeating Plasma Rifle); DL-44 (Clasification: Heavy Combustion Blaster(P)); Anti-personnel Knife x10; Vibro-dagger x4; Throwing Blade x15; Laser Disk x4.