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Swimming Pool Enclosures


The daily and week-to-week benefits of swimming pool enclosures are numerous. And each deserves separate discussion. However, there is a long-term benefit to having a high-quality swimming pool enclosure that should not be overlooked. And it's a great additional reason for you to purchase a pool enclosure. But beware. Quality is important.

When you decide eventually to sell your property, the price you can obtain from a potential home buyer depends greatly upon the total capital additions to the property. Just as an inground pool can have an appreciative effect on your overall property value, so too can the enclosure that can accompany it. When later on you decide to sell your property, you will no doubt be selling the swimming pool with the property. And so, it's almost inevitable that your pool enclosure will also become part of the home you eventually part with.

For this reason, consider your swimming pool enclosure as having long-term value not just to you and your family now while you are using it but to the purchasers of your property when you do decide to sell your home. Unless you decide to take your enclosure with you to your next home, the pool enclosure you buy today will become part of the entire property, and therefore part of the total capital value, that you will sell to the buyer of your current home when you move. And the benefits to the next owners are also potentially long-term benefits.

As you will want maximum return on your property sale, it is important to choose your enclosure wisely now.

So what capital value does a pool enclosure add to your home?

Well the additional capital value is actually the total value of all the shorter-term benefits of having a pool enclosure added up over the lifetime of your enclosure. These include the many cost savings from lower water use, lower chemical use, lower cleaning costs, and lower water-heating costs. You can also place a value on the pool-cleaning and pool-maintenance time that your enclosure saves you. As your swimming pool enclosure extends the period during the year in which you can actively use your swimming pool (sometimes right through the otherwise cold winter in some locations), there is a value on the additional pleasure you get from greater use of your swimming pool each year.

Now if you place a monetary estimate on each of these savings and additional values over the estimated lifetime of your enclosure, you will find that the capital value of your enclosure is a considerable addition to the value of your home. Not only that but, as your enclosure should extend the lifetime of a good-quality swimming pool, your enclosure actually has the capacity to provide additional capital value to the swimming pool, too.