During the tough academic years, students are asked to grasp lengthy theorems, derivations, and concepts tricky equations of chemistry. All of this along with the pressure to pass the examinations with good grades makes our weak and we experience anxiety. There are students who have even attempted to quit their life must by the fear of losing and filing their exams.
However, the true solutions lie in the ways that can improve your cognitive intelligence and help you learn more information properly and effectively. You need to learn the concept and memorize them properly. To help the struggling students I have summarized a list of books that guarantees to increase their intelligence level and make their brad smarter. Check it out below:
Curious tells its readers about the ways through which they can enhance tier cognitive intelligence and growth of brain development. At the age of 18, our brain stops producing neurons that carry intelligence cells. We think and work according to the smartness stored or sustain before this year. After sometimes, the brain restarts to develop the neurons. This book will guide readers about ways and tricks that can help them do the possible brain exercise.
Think like a Freak
Another awesome book in the list- Think Like a Freak tells ways that can help you adopt a new path and bring innovations that show your unique abilities instead of following the herd blindly. It shows how our brain gets controlled by all the suggestion and perspectives our family and people with whom we spend our most time infuses. It guides us about ways our brain develop curiosity and what factors kill it. The book is a comprehensive elaboration of making the right use of our brain.
The Power of Habit
Our habits play a huge role in deciding our fate or creativity and prosperity. There is a kind of psychology hidden behind our selection of habits and our everyday activities. The book unleashes those secrets and helps us control our bad habits or bring an order in the lives that can make us able to bring success. Enhancement of brain activities is so imperative that every skilled and accredited online university recommend reading such books.