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Tennessee Ghost Chasers

Members and Counting



WELCOME TO THE SITE. It is dedicated to the paranormal and finding the truth. We have photographs and stories and we hope you enjoy them. We have been up and running since 2000 and decided to update and make the site better. We hope to seek out more hauntings here in Tennessee other than the oh so famous Bell Witch. Tennessee has a rich history and given that knowledge finding real hauntings here should not be difficult.We try to research any information we recieve and try to verify it logically. We do believe in paranormal activities but so many other groups falsely represent the true believers you must have an open mind to all possibilities. We are by no means experts in the field but do take it very seriously and confidentially. If you have a possible haunting you can e-mail us directly and we will try to help after we determine that you need it. We do not exorsize anything but can help you find someone who can help with that. Please respect all posts here. We are serious about what we do and we want you to be also. You may post any comments you want but i will approve them before they are excepted to my site, I do not want any bad content on my site. Also thank you all so much for being loyal to the page and giving me time to do what i had to do. I have not been out in a long time and I miss it very much. I have been studying other belief systems and learning about their cultures and how they handle the paranormal. I have looked into alternative religions as well and learned a great deal about how cultures across the globe are not so different than ours, just the names have changed. I am a firm believer in the many unexplained things in the world as I have found studying about them there are always possibilities. I am not saying that everything everyone reports is factual but I am not denying that it just might have some truth to it. One problem we face right now as a group is that we have lost so many of our members no one gathers anymore to hunt so if you think you may want to join our team then e-mail us we shall chat about that idea. We are always happy to welcome new people into our strange world.
