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Faux Walls for everyone
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Saturday, 7 July 2007
Walls with an Attitude
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: Geter done!
Topic: Faux Walls for everyone

Hey all, glad you could check us out. We are concerned about your hum drum walls. Do they reflect who you realy are? Are they energetic or are they romantic or maybe a little edgy? Or are your walls WHITE AND BOOOORING ? What ever they are I hope your happy with them.

I am a bit fickal, but we are artist and an artist is always looking for change. I'll bet we change our walls (finishes) more than some of you change your underware! (I hope not) When we ran out of rooms to do in our 2500 sq ft home we bought another condo and did all 1100+ sq ft in different beautiful finishes. Go to our albums and check them out! Tequila Sunrise and The Jungle Hut. Both of these condos are for sale so if your in the market let us know. When we sell those we will beable to start our new project!!! Please send me a buyer.

The condos are located in Perdido Key, Fl at the Purple Parrot Village Resort. They are not your typical condo set up. These condos are bungalow style with 1 / 2 and 3 bedroom units. Ours are a 1 bedroom upper condo ( The Jungle Hut) and a 2 bedroom upand down bongalow(Tequila sunrise) we are only asking $275,000 for the Jungle Hut and $435,000 for Tequila Sunrise. Both units are renting well and can help you off set your mtg.payment. We are only a few minutes away from a great beach "Johnson Beach National Sea   Shore" and less than 10 mins to N.A.S. gate home of the Blue Angels!

Posted by tequilasunrisecondo at 9:50 PM EDT
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