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Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime

F) Am50
A) In40
S) Mn75
E) Un100
R) Ex20
I) In40
P) Am50

Health: 265 Karma: 110
Resources: Am Pop: 20

Known Powers:
Cybertronian Physique: like his fellow Autobots, Optimus Prime is a robotic entity of Cybertronian design and origin. His very body gives Optimus Prime the following abilities:
-Armor Skin: Ex resistance to injury.
-Invulnerability to Disease and Toxins: CL1000 vs. organic pathogens, Un vs. chemically creative substances.
-Growth: (Permanent) Ex
-Microscopic/Telescopic Vision: Fb, allows Optimus to see objects up to a mile distant with ease, as well as allowing them to read items on microfiche.
-Headlights: In illumination
Personal Weapons: Optimus Prime's body is armed with the following:
-Grapplers: Located on his forearms, fires up to 10 areas, used for transportation
-Fire Retardant: Am, can also be used to create a fall cushion with Am ability
-Bola Thrower: Located in his forearms, fires up to 7 areas, ensnaring an opponent with In Strength
Fire Truck Mode: Whenever he wishes to, Optimus Prime can initiate an intricate transformation between his humanoid form to a Fire Truck Mode, one that does not make use of the truck's rear; this instead transforms into a battle platform. Optimus Prime's Fire Truck Mode has the following vehicular statistics:
-Control: Am
-Speed: In
-Body: In
-Protection: In

Axe: Mn material, can deal up to Mn Edge. It can also perform the following power stunts:
-Rocket Booster: Can add +1cs when using this

Talents: Leadership, Military, Martial Arts B, Weapon Specialist: (Axe)

Contacts: Autobots