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It was an accident in 2005 that inspired my interest in radiology and I’m 100% sure that this is the career I would like to pursue. The possibilities in the field of radiology are endless. Okay, maybe not endless but there’s so much more to it than just x-rays. Radiology technologists can specialize in imaging procedures such as computed tomography (CT) which can produce a three dimensional cross-section of an area of the body and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which is similar to the CT scan but with non-ionizing radio frequency. Other possibilities include ultrasound or tomography, mammography, and fluoroscopy. A career should be passionate and rewarding which is why I’m confident in my decision to pursue a career in radiology. Even as a little girl I knew I wanted to be a part of the medical field and help people. I feel like radiology will challenge me and push me to become more of the person that I’ve always wanted to be.

            There are many opportunities for entry into this profession. Training programs are offered in hospitals, colleges, and universities all over the world. The levels of advancement vary depending on experience and additional training. Along with specializing in one of the above areas of radiology, technologists can become a radiologists’ assistant or possibly be promoted to supervisor, chief radiology technologist, as well as department administrator or director. However, my ultimate goal is to become radiologist and eventually join an international humanitarian group like Doctors without Borders. I would love to make a difference all over the world. It’s not the money or power it’s just the simple act of helping others that makes this career so important to me. Here’s an inspirational little quote that inspired me to look in the direction of humanitarianism.

“Independent humanitarianism is a daily struggle to                assist and protect…it is lived most deeply, most intimately             in the daily grind of the forgotten war and forgotten crisis.”

-Dr. James Orbinski, accepting the 1999 Nobel                             Peace Prize as MSF International Council President

            Job outlook for a radiology technologist is expected to grow over the next 8 to 10 years with hospitals being the main employer. That is one of the reasons this job will be so promising because there will always be hospitals and always be people in them. Other employment options would include private physician offices or outpatient diagnostic centers. However, I’m ready to go wherever this career may take me. I’m also happy to say that my fiancé and I have decided to wait to start a family since the average starting salary for a radiology technologist is around $42,000.00, we feel like that’s a good, stable place to be at to start a family.

            Well thank you for visiting my website and I hope that some of this information will help others become interested in the field of radiology and all of the possibilities it has to offer.