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The image above is our Coven crest symbol, created by Sthar ShadowHawk,
it is a Copyright© 2001-2009 by law, with all rights reserved,
it belongs solely to its owner & to the
Temple of Three Star Shadow Grove~ only.
The above crest-symbol cannot be altered in anyway, used anywhere for anything, by any other, without the sole permission of its owner.
Click Here To Contact Owner
So, please feel free to browse & check back for open events & updates.
Blessed Be & thank you.
- As we continue to grow, so too will this site.
Be Welcome Here, Merry Meet & Blessed Be!
You will find all of our links listed on the left of this page.
~Group Overview:~
Spiritual Path: Wicca, Pagan, Native America, Celtic...
Status: Established Group
Community Support: Legal Clergy... Teaching Available
Three Star Shadow Grove actually started as a family group in 2001, reformed in 2003 and adopted a small group in 2006.
Our group consist of different paths of people that comes together as needed and celebrates the Wheel of the Year and to learn from each other.
~Group information~
Coven Name: Three Star Shadow Grove ( TSSG )
Begin in 2001, reformed in 2003, merged 2006.
Homestead-Anderson /Clemson area / Extended Home- Greenville area.
~Board of Directors & Founders of TSSG:~
Sthar-ShadowHawk~ TSSG-Elder, Ordained, Teacher.
Seasib~TSSG-Elder, Ordained, Teacher.
Mennez RedWolf~ Elder, Teacher.
~Public Speakers:~
Sthar ShadowHawk
We are a group of 15, with 10 full time members of family & friends at the moment.
We are a guiding and teaching coven. Wicca, Pagan, Native American, ect.
Our intentions are to help bring our community closer together in sharing our knowledge
and to help guide those who seek such of us.
Most of us are eclectic, but our group is a form of different beliefs
and similar paths with different styles to work together in learning from each other,
In celebrating the 'Wheel of the Year' in bringing together of like minds and gatherings of Ancient souls.
Our guiding rule is "An it harm none" to its fullest.
We are accepting new members, age of 21+ at the moment.
We do not accept members under the age of 18.
Members with small children, workshop is available as needed, when not acceptable in some circles.
Merry Part, Until Merry Meet again & Bright blessings.
From Beneath Me Arises The Energy of The Earth,
My Home and My Foundation
From above Me Pours Down The Light of The Sun
And the Enchanted Moon.
From My Right Hand Flow the Strength To Control
And Direct The Power from Within,
To My Left Hand comes The Skill To Divine And To Heal,
The Source of Blessing.
Before Me Arises The Perfected One I strive To Become
My True Self.
Behind Me Falls The One I was
And With It My Discarded failures.
Around Me Circle The Eternal Stars,
Lamps of Wisdom In The Deeps of Space.
Within Me Grows The Flame of Life,
The light of Experience And Understanding.
It, is done, So Mote It Be!
Please, Sign our guest book on the left, before you leave.
Thank you & Blessed be!
Blessed Be & Thank you for visiting our page at Angelfire.
Please come back and visit again!
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