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Welcome to OLIVER, AND SCOUT'S website......yeah!!!!!! Your eyes will be so optically stimulated while you are on this site that you will wet yourself twice, no joke! It took years to make this extremely complex website explaining our first year of college. We hope that you learn more about what goes on down here at Anderson University, especially in Dunn Hall, and especially at Shagbark Lane. To learn more about the meaning of Shagbark Lane, visit this cool link!

Just click on these words to find the mystery of Shagbark Lane

Text Box: Photos!









image004.gifTo catch a glance at soimage003.gifme of the ridiculously good looking men, and their friends, click on these links


Photo Album 11024x1024-2486698.jpg





Photos will be updated as frequently as we take them, expect some good ones to come up as football games and more events come our way here at AU. So visit our website a lot.


Here is Jon and Jason's band's website, so click on the link below to get lyrics, gig dates (which will actually start to come soon), and gig setlists.


Click here to go to our band's website


image006.gifThis section is devoted to the philosophers here on campus. I advise you to pay close attention to their bits of wisdom, and their learning experiences as you could use them later in life.

Corey the wise: If he calls me holmes one more time im going to jump through the taco bell window and light him on fire.JoSCOUTn: It took us twenty years to do that today.Pat OLIVERRick: I will smack you so hard right now.JasoLIVERn: I wonder how many mountain dews we can fit in this fridge at once.AnnSCOUTa: I just learned where the three point line for basketball is the other day, and I was like "NO WAY!!!!"JasCOUTon: So.....were all just sitting hereJoOLIVERn: Wait, his name is carra top?JasOLIVERn: So you want to go? Ben: I have to do homework. Jason: No you dont. Ben: I know, lets go.Prof. ImpoliVERtto: I drank way too much coffey this morning and im going to burst, so excuse me, ill be right backAndrOLIVERew: So, we hanging out tonight? Jason: Ive got to study. Andrew: Were playing halo. Jason: I get 4th controller.ASCOUTndrew: Im missing the bears game. Jon: why, is it already on?JoOLIVERn: Hey Andrew, do I have a chicago accent? Andrew: I dont know, Im from chicago.

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Last Updated: March 27, 2025 at 8:22am


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This is JasCOUTNoLIVERSn's email, so tell us what else we should do in this site, or just send Jason an email telling him how much he is a flaming shrewd farmer.