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Trees can do remarkable things for the outdoor design of buildings. But they’re so much more than just a decoration. A properly placed tree can lower heating costs, offer shade for exterior enjoyment, and are a wonderful way to add a small of nature’s magic to your surroundings. Taking care of your trees is vital. A neglected or sick tree can be a hazard in many ways, threatening everything from your septic structure to cars parked in the lot. Correct watering, pruning, and feeding will ensure your tree stays healthy.


Just like you water your lawn on a common basis, your tree requires water as well. Most trees expand best when they get about 3 inches of rain each week. If you have not been getting much rain, you can supplement with hand-watering.

It’s best to water at night. There’s little evaporation without the sun’s heat that means your trees receive the maximum moisture. Allow the water to absorb into the ground near the tree thoroughly. A slow drip works fine to ensure the water penetrates the grounds as deeply as possible. Do not forget to water in the winter season. You won’t require doing it as often, but if your place is short on rain, providing your trees a little soak at least once a month.


Everything requires nourishments to rise. Whether the newest sapling or an old veteran, follow these tip to ensure their branches regular to stand firm. 

Apply a granular fertilizer with top nitrogen material.  Use fertilizer in a whole circle the tree. Once excess moisture falls from the peak of the tree, it forms a place on the ground called the drip-line. This is where you need to spread your fertilizer. Stay at least 1 or 2 feet away from the tree’s trunk. Young trees do great when fertilizing once a year. Older trees can be fertilized once every 3 or 4 years. Fall is a great time.


Pruning is vital for tree care. It can be applied to shape and enhance the natural beauty of your plant. Right pruning is also needed to keep good health, removal of dead & diseased trees is considered an important part of pruning.

Tree trimming removes diseased and dying branches. This assist makes sure that nutrients are being applied to make the tree stronger.  If you many trees on your land and one of them diseased, you might need to call a tree removal service company, like Arbor Design Tree Service, to prevent the spread of disease to stronger trees. Tree trimming can be a delicate and risky job; they're several experts tree services in your area that can help you keep the health of your trees for several years.