
Now Playing: Dirty Little Secrets- The All-American Rejects
Topic: School
OK well..My cousin goes to this college in Houston, I'm not real sure on what the name is, all I know is that it offers the major I want to major in. But I lived in Houston for 6 years and I hated it, I hated it with an passion. I was so happy to leave. But now I'm not sure if I want to go back there and live. Visiting Houston is fine, but living is another thing. I love living in San Antonio..Really and truely I wouldn't live anywhere else. My BF lives in Houston, but I'm not about to leave San Antonio just for him..If he wants me badly, he is going to have to move here, or just break up.
The college I'm looking at and absolutely love is "The University of Incarnate Word" I've had my heart set on that college ever since the 6th grade. And really and truely I'm not about change my heart and my goals over my cousin or some boy who might or could leave me at any moment.