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How not to get ripped off

by your Auto Repair Shop!


Learn about your Auto Repair Shop

With this Video you will learn about:

- How not to get ripped off by your Auto Repair Shop.

- Understanding what your actually buying.

- Learn more about maintenance for your vehicle that will save you money.

- Teach you about what to look for in a good auto repair shop.

- And Understand your automobile, Knowledge is power!

About Undertanding Auto Repair

Former Auto Repair Shop Owner wants you to understand what your auto repair shop is actually selling you. There are many exceptional shops out there, and many not so exceptional shops. I want to teach you about your vehicle in our easy to understand video, so you can make informed decisions about what your repair shop is recommending. Don't get your car serviced blindly; know what is needed to get the job done correctly.

Thank you for your time! We need your feedback!

This is for marketing research at this moment if there is enough response, we will release this video. If you would be interested in this information please vote on our poll survey or Email us at