Even as an adult he scans the headlines and does not read very much for very long because he has to absorb what he reads in a few seconds or forget it.
Garry has an amazing ability to foresee the future way of things, but is unable to harness these visions, hence the start of his writing - because of his frustration at not being able to coherently express himself properly - his greatest teacher and companion has become his computer weather its his desk top of his laptop - they are constantly within reach - he can refer back to things with incredible accuracy, and knows his laws and rules articulately.
Garry the Adult is all of these and more. He never backs down from a verbal argument, and determinedly explains himself to others. I would think this comes from being picked on all the time as a child, he is never violent physically - probably due to his injuries over time or to his quite nature. His soft side comes through when he speaks of his children (4boys, 1 girl) to his first wife, Karen.
One only has to see him at his favourite past-time of fishing and see how much effort he puts into teaching any children the right way to fish or anyone else that is interested. He is totally generous and often gives away all his nights catch to some poor fisherperson who is down on their luck, especially if it is a child or someone elderly.
In his 1st Book - One Aussie's Endeavours: Poetry Writings Lyrics Feelings , by the nic of " Perth Desperado " , he combined poetry about his life, his family, his travels, his loves, and his thoughts, all intertwined with photographs of his travels, and a few photos are actually about the poem near it.
Knowing a bit about Garry the man, this book is like reading his diary.
One of the highlights of his life is to be the meeting up with his song writing partner and country - rock indie friend, Rory D Ruff, who composed music for some of Garry's poems ( currently 24 ).
For those of you who have children suffering with these imperfections in life - [ADHD & ADD & DDD & DYSLEXIA ] with strict discipline and routine guidelines is the only way he can cope with day to day things.
It would do you well to see what he has written and how his mind works - It has been proven time and again children with these deficiency’s in life are actually quite brilliant and their minds work in wondrous ways.
Well worth the read.
Reading his poetry makes you feel as if he wrote especially for you, the reader.
Its an amazing talent, and his way with words comes through very clearly - depsite the odd mis-spelt word in the books - No-one has actually edited the books and although there are a few errors, his words are clear and simple. His total faith in what he says and does comes shining through, even though some others cannot follow what he is meaning.
He loves nature and his photographs will show the most amazing pictures of nature, sunsets, storms, ocean - you name it he photographs it.
Garry's 2nd Book , Controversial: "Dreams Wishes Hopes Lyrics"
By Garry W Gosney
3rd Book , MY UNORTHODEX HEARTS "Desires Loves Prayers Lyrics"
4th Book , ONE AUSSIES ENDEAVOURS Vol 2 "Desires Memories Dreams Lyrics"
5th Book , C H R I S T M A S POETRY, "Lyrics Dreams Fantasies"
As I write this review, Garry has 4 books already published and 1 ready to go to the publishers and curently working on 2 more , he has 1 Christmas book published as well and working on another one .
As an incredibly outspoken person, Garry argues the point of law with government officials and anyone else who is in the wrong - and is quick to quote rules, laws and by laws - his honesty as a person and not being able to express himself otherwise will see him become outrageously outspoken with officials. His need to express himself articulately shows through, and his manner is of one very used to being patient and perseverent - he just can't tolerate injustice and dishonesty or stupidity by anyone not even from family.
written by C.J Brown / Kate Snow
Garry Gosney
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