To know you
Is as fortuitous as to know a wellspring in the desert
it is to chance upon a sakura blooming the unhurried unfurling of petals
slowly revealing the beauty within delicately yet boldly the smell of spring blossoms basking and drinking of the sun the joy of letting ones eyes fall upon it
and the sagacity
of trying to understand its nature
or comprehending it's very essence
or comprehending it's very essence
To feel your presence
is to know a warm fire on a cold winter night
like the cool breeze on a warm summer day gently caressing my sweat streaked skin
like the cool breeze on a warm summer day gently caressing my sweat streaked skin
your energy soothingly radiating outward
casting a spell radiating comfort and tranquility in it's wake
To see, hear, and comprehend your mind
is to become acquainted with honesty, compassion, and strength
all within an agile mind of order, mischief, and passion
like raindrops dancing from leaf to leaf in their journey home to nourish
the tree that stands boldly in defiance of the wind that caresses it.
like raindrops dancing from leaf to leaf in their journey home to nourish
the tree that stands boldly in defiance of the wind that caresses it.
your mind a wonderous creation of you
the truest creation of your lifes work and your life
Today and many other days like it
is a day for amorous thoughts and deeds
where you stand to be celebrated
a muse in every aspect of the word
creativity beauty and passion a balance
precarious yet perfectly maintained
embodied in a feminine guise
imperfect perfection
where you stand to be celebrated
a muse in every aspect of the word
creativity beauty and passion a balance
precarious yet perfectly maintained
embodied in a feminine guise
imperfect perfection
all wonderously human and alive
all effortlessly continued
All within you
Be yourself it's the best person you could ever be