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Please come back each day to check for new pictures. I have a couple of thousand to go through and edit. So I will be adding picture every day. *** If you don't see your child's picture on my website, please send me an e-mail with your childs name and number and I will add pictures of your child. Thank You.

Welcome to my Website

I have always had a passion for taking pictures, especially of children.
I love to catch the look of innocents and curiosity. No matter what the
occassion, my camera always seems to find the little ones. I also like
taking pictures around town and at my grandchildren's sports events.

My Favorite Websites

Canon Tips & Techniques
SLR Photography Guide
G R Sites

What's New??

Added on October 17 & 18, 2010
Five new pictures added to the Irish vs Bears Album

Added on October 7, 2010
Six new pictures added to the Irish vs Colts Album

September 25, 2010

The Irish played a really good game today. I really thought they were just going to give the game to the Vikings today, but in the last quarter they made a come back and won the game.

Pictures will be posted soon.

My E-mail Address:

© 2010 Vickie Strode Photography

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