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West Gate Belief #1: There is an urgent need for continued academic improvement. Students must be provided with high quality work that engages them in the learning process. Curriculum is supplemented by learning extensions that continually engage students. Teachers believe it is necessary for students to be involved in the learning process through student choice. Believing that all students are different and have different styles of learning, it is important to design lessons that meet individual student needs. Recognizing that students now live in a highly technical society, the inclusion of multimedia is essential. Professional Development will support and enhance academic improvement. Ongoing assessments will be used to drive instruction.

West Gate Belief #2: Students must be provided with high quality work that engages them in the learning process. Every student’s learning style should be addressed through varied assignments and instruction. High quality, engaging work utilizes all available resources to promote cooperative learning. Teachers will utilize the extended learning area to create an effective learning environment. Community involvement will be used to enhance the learning process. Student voice and student choice will be considered in curriculum planning.

West Gate Belief #3: Improved achievement necessitates viewing students as volunteers. Allow students to take on responsibilities in the classroom to make them part of their education. Parents, teachers, and students collaborate as partners. Teachers and students model appropriate ways to treat others. Teachers develop rubrics and other evaluative tools, allowing students to make choices and take responsibility for the outcome. Both teachers and students are actively involved in the teaching process.

West Gate Belief #4: School resources will be allocated to support educational programs that are built upon the W.O.W. framework. Community members, business partners, and volunteers are all in integral part of our school resources. Resources will be provided for a variety of professional development opportunities. Instructional staff will have time for flexible team planning. Faculty and staff will have input regarding the distribution of funds.

West Gate Belief #5: Teachers must assume the role of educational leader to foster improved achievement. Teachers will adhere to the state standards and teach according to the district’s scope and sequence. Teachers will analyze data to determine student needs and deliver quality instruction to meet those needs. Teachers will facilitate communication between home and school to increase attendance, motivation, and knowledge for a beneficial partnership.