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WNBC TV's SallyAnn Mosey Visits the Hidden Valley Family Club Ski Resort, Reports the Weather and Learns to Snowboard

Saturday, December 22, 2007

To view a video of SallyAnn snowboarding click HERE.


WNBC TV's SallyAnn Mosey

WNBC TV' s communication and support trucks

SallyAnn with Hidden Valley's Kendall Kless

Hidden Valley's Dennis, Ed and Kendal enjoy the moment

SallyAnn working out some last minute details.

The WNBC TV technical team.  Two nice guys.

SallyAnn with Hidden Valley's Kendall Kless

SallyAnn with her new friend, "Mr. Snowboard"

Ok let's get this show on the road....

....SallyAnn with her other friend "Mr. Ski"

SallyAnn Mosey with some of Hidden Valley's Ski Patrollers

The TV segment begins....

Hidden Valley's Kendall Kless looks on

HV's head snowboard instructor Rick Micewski gives advice

The details of the TV segment are worked out...

with the WNBC TV cameraman...

...while his colleague checks the signal.

The TV segment continues...

...with interviews with Hidden Valley's Kendall Kless...

...who provides some information about Hidden Valley...

...Hidden Valley's Operation's Manager Dennis Hey.

Just a little more practice before the live broadcast...

... and that final practice on how to stop

 And away she goes...

...not bad for a beginner...

SallyAnn is ready for the live broadcast...

... as she hits her spot right in front of the TV camera...

...continuing the broadcast without missing a beat.

Now an interview of Instructor Rick...

..."Well Rick, how did I do?" 

A photo with John Whiting, Rick and Kendall before...

...taking one more run on the snowboard...

"I'm ready!"

SallyAnn's off and showing....

...great form.  She could be real good a snowboarding.

SallyAnn takes a photo with HV's Ski Patrol Family...

...and Hidden Valley race coaches John & Buffy

Now form some fun on the slope one skis...

... ski instructor Bruce and Kendall.

It was a fun day with SallyAnn and WNBC TV.  Come back soon to enjoy the Hidden Valley Family Club!

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