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Is there a player in the NFL more marketable than Cam Newton? I mean, just think of all the possibilities!


-Fig Newtons

 (I mean c’mon! This here is a no-brainer! I’d prefer a peach filling, myself…)


-Cam’s Cameras by: Canon

 (Hell, if that no-good degenerate, Ashton Kutcher can sell cameras, why can’t Cam?)


-Cam’s Camisoles

(Women would just LOVE to sport a cute little camisole with Cam Newton’s signature on it. Umm…are you reading this, Victoria’s Secret?!)



(Get it?! Saw what I did there? Yup! Just another genius idear from this Fayetteville native!)


-Camping With Cam (CAMpground?)

(Like…once a month, they could choose some ugly, homeless lady or a fat kid with the retard disease to go out camping with Cam Newton at a fancy campground of his choice. Maybe those pink ribbon people could sponsor it.)


**I was trying to think of something to do with Cambodia, but, I don’t even know where that is or what even goes on over there.**


Oh hell, if nothing else, he could just sell toothpaste with that 22 million dollar smile of his! :-)


-Delvin Merriweather


***No relation to Cam Newton, but Cammy from Street Fighter was one bad BITCH! Mmm!***